Yılmaz, EnsarGönensay, EmreDereli, TokerTireli, Ali İlhanIşık Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Çağdaş İşletme Yönetimi Doktora Programı2016-06-092016-06-092008Tireli, A. İ. (2008). A service quality measurement framework for mobile betting : an assessment of theory and practice. İstanbul: Işık Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsühttps://hdl.handle.net/11729/983Text in English ; Abstract: English and TurkishIncludes bibliographical references (leaves 89-94)xii, 109 leavesSince year 2000 Mobile Services or in other words Value Added Services are continuously growing. Business priority at the emergence of these services has been to launch as many services as possible, regardless of the profits or perfect functionality. However today, as users are becoming experienced and more conscious and competition is getting tough, service quality is becoming more important. The study proposes a quality measurement framework for mobile content services with specific reference to mobile betting, which is one of the highest growing sector in mobile. The scope has been limited specifically with Mobile Internet or wap based sports betting services however can be easily adapted to other content types or access channels. Development of the measurement scale is based on extensive literature review, as well as interviews with professional Web designers, service users and visitors. Previous research based on different measurement frameworks like SERVQUAL, SERVPerf, WebQual, WebQual?, Web Site Quality Model and E-S-QUAL among others have been compared and contrasted extensively. The study proposes 8 core dimensions to measure the quality of mobile betting sites: Assurance, competence, ease of use, flexibility, fun, information quality, privacy and responsiveness. The instrument was refined using a web based questionnaire 4 times and final survey was conducted with 260 mobile betting users.2000 yılından bu yana mobil, bir başka deyişle katma değerli servisler hızla büyümekte. Başlangıçta strateji henüz tüm hatalar giderilmemiş olsa da, hatta kar etmeyeceği bilinse de olabildiğince çok yeni servisleri pazara sunmak iken günümüzde kullanıcıların bilinçlenmesi ve rekabetin artması sonucu servis kalitesi önem kazanmaktadır. Bu çalışma özellikle mobilde en hızlı gelişen ikinci sektör olan bahis örneğinden yola çıkarak mobil içerik servisleri için kalite ölçüm çerçevesi oluşturmayı hedeflemektedir. Kapsam özellikle mobil Internet ya da Wap kanalı ile erişilebilen sabit ihtimalli futbol ve at yarışları üzerine müşterek bahisler ile sınırlanmakla birlikte kolaylıkla diğer içerik tipleri ve erişim kanallarına da uyarlanabilir. Yöntem geliştirilirken elektronik servis kalitesi ile ilgili literatür kapsamlı olarak incelenmiş en çok kullanılan SERVQUAL, SERPERF, WebQual, WebQual?, Web Site Quality Model ve E-S-QUAL gibileri detaylı incelenerek karşılaştırılmış, bunun yanısıra profesyonel grafik tasarımcıları, bahis oyuncuları ve site ziyaretçilerinin görüşlerine başvurulmuştur. Çalışma sonucunda mobil bahis örneğinde 8 ana boyutta servis kalitesinin ölçülebileceği önerilmiştir. Bunlar güven (assurance), yeterlilik (competence), kullanım kolaylığı (ease of use), esneklik (flexibility), eğlence (fun), bilgi kalitesi (information quality), gizlilik (privacy) and yanıt alabilme (responsiveness). Çalışmada web tabanlı bir anket uygulaması ile anket soruları revize edilmiş ve son çalışmada 260 mobil bahis oyuncusu ankete katılmıştır.IntroductionWhy is the Subject Worth a Thesis?Research ProblemPurpose of the StudyResearch QuestionsStructure of ThesisSignificance and Contribution of the StudyDelimitationsLiterature ReviewEvolution of BettingGambling, Betting and GamingGambling IndustryGames of Luck in TurkeyLegal EnvironmentGaming LimitationsEconomic ContributionService QualityQualityE-Service QualityService Quality and Customer SatisfactionMeasurement Framework ModelsSERVQUALSERVPERWebQual or WebQual/MWebQual™Web Site Quality ModelE-S-QUALQuality of Service-related Technical StandardsOther MethodsSummary and Critical ReviewResearch MethodologyPre-understandingTraditional Ways of BettingInteractions in Mobile BettingResearch ApproachDesignIndependent VariablesDependent VariablesConceptual Framework in DepthEmpirical SettingPilot Survey QuestionsSurvey Questions in DepthChoice of Respondents for the Final SurveyResearch FindingsAnalysis of Demographics and the Relation with SatisfactionAnalysis of AnswersMeasuring Service QualityConclusion and DiscussionSummary of the StudyTheoretical Implications/ContributionComparison with Similar StudiesResearch LimitationsSuggestions for Future ResearchManagerial Implications22 statements of the SERVQUAL instrument – (E)22 statements of the SERVQUAL instrument- (P)WebQual Dimensions by ConstructE-S-QUAL and E-RecS-Qual Dimensions and ItemsWebQual Items by ConstructDimensions of Mobile contentFirst Pilot Survey QuestionsSecond Pilot Survey QuestionsFinal Survey Questions and DimensionsQuestionnaire ScreenReasons for preferring Internet gambling versus gambling at a land-based venueeninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United StatesTK5105.5 .T57 2008Computer software.Mobile applications.A service quality measurement framework for mobile betting : an assessment of theory and practiceMobil bahiste servis kalite ölçüm çerçevesiDoctoral Thesis