Kalaycıoğlu, SemaGünay, KorayIşık Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Çağdaş İşletme Yönetimi Doktora Programı2016-06-282016-06-282008Günay, K. (2008). The competitiveness of the turkish iron and steel industry in the process of membership to the european union. İstanbul: Işık Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.https://hdl.handle.net/11729/1025Text in English ; Abstract: English and TurkishIncludes bibliographical references (leaves 243-253)xviii, 243 leavesThe iron and steel industry is one of the leading industries in Turkey. By means of capacity and volume in international trade, Turkey is among the leading countries in the world. Therefore sustaining the competitiveness of the Turkish iron and steel industry has an utmost importance. This thesis investigates several issues related to the competitiveness of the Turkish steel industry especially while Turkey is on the way to be a member of the European Union. The main aim of this thesis is to develop a competitiveness model and to prove the relations between the factors of the model and competitiveness. Further than that, the importance of each factor of the model is tried to be find out. Another aim of the thesis is to find ways and means to increase the competitiveness of the Turkish steel industry. Based on the literature survey on competitiveness, a competitiveness model for the steel industry in general is developed. The factors are: Cost; Quality; Technology; Accessibility to Markets; Location; Role of Government; Domestic Market and Firm Characteristics. The relation of these factors and the competitiveness is investigated through a 21 question-questionnaire, that the executives of the Turkish steel industry have attended. According to the findings, all eight factors are find to be in positive relation with the competitiveness of the Turkish steel industry. In addition to that the importance of each factor for the crude steel producers and Re-rollers are found. It is also found, that the Turkish steel industry has to focus more on the higher value-added products, invest to balance the long-flat production ratio, reduce energy costs, and focus on vertical integration to supply its own raw materials for Re-rollers and integrated mills.Demir çelik sektörü Türkiye'nin önde gelen sektörleri arasındadır.Gerek kapasite gerekse de uluslararası pazarlardaki ticaret hacmi ile dünyanın sayılı demir çelik endüstrileri arasında yer almaktadır. Bu yüzden Demir Çelik sektörünün rekabetçiliğini koruması aşırı önem arz etmektedir. Bu tez, Demir Çelik endüstrisinin, özellikle Avrupa Birliğine giriş sürecinde, rekabetçiliğini incelemektedir. Tezin esas amacı rekabet gücünü etkileyen faktörleri bularak bunlardan bir model oluşturmak, aralarındaki pozitif ilişkiyi ispatlamak ve daha da önemlisi her bi faktörün rekabetçiliği ne oranda etkilediğini bulmaktır. Tezin diğer bir amacı ise Türkiye'nin sektörel rekabetçiliğini arttırmak için olası çözümler getirmektir. Literatür araştırması sonucunda rekabet modeli oluşturulmuştur. Modeli oluşturan faktörler Maliyet, kalite, Teknoloji, Pazarlara Erişim, Lokasyon, Devletin Rolü, İç Pazar, ve Firma Karakteristikleridir. Bu faktörlerle rekabet gücü arasındaki ilişki, sektörün üst düzey yöneticilerine gönderilen 21 soruluk bir anket yardımı ile araştırılmıştır. Araştırmanın sonuçları tüm faktörlerin Türk Demir Çelik sektörünün rekabet gücünü pozitif yönde etkilediğini göstermiş olup, her bir faktörün çelik üreticileri ve haddeciler açısından etkisi saptanmıştır. Bunun yanısıra sektörün rekabet gücünü arttırmak için daha katma değerli ürünler üretilmesi, uzun-yassı ürün dengesizliğini giderecek yatırımlar yapılması, enerji maliyetlerini düşürecek değişiklikler yaptırılması ve özellikle haddeciler ve entegre fabrikalar için kendi hammaddelerini tedarik edebilecekleri yatırımlara gidilmesini gerektiği ortaya çıkmıştır.IntroductionResearch QuestionHypothesisModelTheories and Approaches of CompetitivenessCompetitiveness in GeneralTheories about the National CompetitivenessComparative Advantage Theory – by David Ricardo (1817)Factor Endowments Theory – by Heckscher & Ohlin (1933)Leontief Paradox – by Wassily Leontief (1953)Revealed Comparative Advantage – by Bela Balassa (1965)Product Cycle Theory – by Raymond Vernon (1966)Country Similarity Theory – by Stefan Linder (1961)The Economies of Scale Theory – by Krugman & Lancaster (1979)Location Theory – by Alfred Weber (1909)The Diamond Model – by Michael Porter (1990)Factors Affecting National CompetitivenessMethods to Measure the National CompetitivenessTrade and International Market-Share IndicatorsRevealed Comparative Advantage (RCA)The Michaely IndexContribution to the Trade Balance (CTB)Comparative Export Performance (CEP)Trade Overlap (Intra- and Inter-Industry Trade)Export Similarities (ES)Productivity and Cost IndicatorsTotal Factor Productivity (TFP)Unit Labour Cost (ULC)Relative Unit Labour Cost (RULC)The EU Steel IndustryThe EU Steel Industry in GeneralCurrent State of the EU Steel IndustryPosition of the European Union Steel Industries from Global PerspectiveProduction in the EU steel IndustryProduction Techniques (Technology Base)Quantities producedCapacity Utilization RatesProductivity levelsArea of Focus on the Steel Production in EUConsumption in the EUCustomer Base in the EU Steel IndustryEmployment in the EU Steel IndustryStructure and volume of employmentJob Losses in the IndustryFactors Affecting the Cost of the Product in the European Steel IndustryRaw MaterialEnergyFreightLabourExchange RateCompany structureRole of the GovernmentDeregulationSupport Measures During Restructuring (Subsidies)Initiatives on CO2 EmissionsRelationships with Social PartnersEnlargement of the European Union and the Effect of New Members on the European Steel IndustryAccessibility to the European MarketCertification & HomologationQuotas, Import Duties & Anti-Dumping DutiesMain Challenges for the EU Steel IndustryThe Growing Impact of GlobalisationMatching Steel Supply and DemandNew EU Environmental RegulationsEU EnlargementActions to Enhance a Sustainable Competitiveness within a Global PerspectiveReinforcing the Human and Technological Bases for a more Innovating Steel IndustryEnsuring a Level Playing Field within the EU and GloballyPromoting Industrial Co-operation with Third CountriesImproving Co-operation between Main StakeholdersSubstitutes for SteelThe Turkish Steel IndustryThe Turkish Steel Industry in GeneralIndustry Segmentation in the Turkish Steel IndustryThe Current State of the Turkish Steel IndustryDemand and Supply in the Turkish Steel IndustryProductionProductivity LevelsArea of Focus on the Steel Production in TurkeyConsumptionCustomer Base in the Turkish Steel IndustryEmployment in the Turkish Steel IndustryFactors affecting the Cost of the ProductExchange RateThe Institutional Framework of the Turkish IndustrySupport Measures During Restructuring (Subsidies)Effects of the EU Accession Period on the Turkish Steel IndustryNational Restructuring ProgramHarmonization with the Customs Tariff System of EUHarmonization with Environmental StandardsClimate Change Framework ConventionThe State of the Turkish Steel Industries in Foreign TradeAccessibility to MarketsCertification & HomologationQuotas, Import Duties & Anti-Dumping DutiesMain Challenges for the Turkish Steel Industry and SWOT AnalysisActions to Enhance a Sustainable CompetitivenessResearch on the Turkish Iron and Steel IndustryResearch Design and MethodologyResearch ObjectivesQuestionnaire Development and Data Collection MethodSamplingData Analysis MethodologyFindings of the ResearchConclusionFigures and TablesQuestionnaireeninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United StatesHD9526.T92 G86 2008Steel industry and trade -- Turkey.Iron industry and trade -- Turkey.Industrial productivity -- Turkey.European Union -- Turkey.The competitiveness of the Turkish iron and steel industry in the process of membership to the European UnionAvrupa Birliğine üyelik sürecinde Türk demir çelik sektörünün rekabetçiliğiDoctoral Thesis