Law, Effie Lai-ChongNguyen-Ngoc, Anh VuKuru, Selahattin2019-08-312019-08-052019-08-312019-08-052007Law, E., Nguyen Ngoc, A., & Kuru, S. (2007). Mixed-method validation of pedagogical concepts for an intercultural online learning environment: a case study. Paper presented at the International ACM Conference on Supporting Group Work, 321-330. doi:10.1145/1316624.13166739781595938459 rise of social software poses the challenges to the design and evaluation of a pedagogically sound online learning environment (OLE). Our OLE addresses these challenges by the integration of three pedagogical concepts - cross-cultural collaboration, self-directed learning and social networking - with the aim to advance participants' competencies and by mixed-method approaches to evaluating the complex situations. A validation trial involving four European countries was conducted. Groups of students co-created a questionnaire, which was assessed to provide an indicator of task performance. Multi-source (surveys, blogs, emails, diaries, chats, videoconference, and interviews) and multi-perspective data (facilitators, students, researchers) were studied with social network analysis, content analysis and conversation analysis. Several a posteriori research questions are addressed.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessCompetenciesContent analysisConversation analysisCrossculturalCross-culturalCross-cultural collaborationCurriculaDesignE-learningElectric network analysisEuropean countriesEuropean universitiesMeasurementMethod validationsMulti-perspectiveMultisourcesOnline learning environmentOnline systemsPerformancePosterioriProduct developmentResearchResearch questionsSelf-directed learningSocial network analysisSocial networkingSocial softwareTask performanceTheoryMixed-method validation of pedagogical concepts for an intercultural online learning environment: a case studyConference Object321330N/AWOS:0002664071000372-s2.0-7795047946310.1145/1316624.1316673N/A