Soykut Sarıca, Yeşim Pınar2015-01-152015-01-152011-12-21Soykut Sarıca, Y. P. (2011). Employee ownership and management: The case of kardemir iron and steel mill industry. African Journal of Business Management, 5(33), 12872-12881. doi:10.5897/AJBM11.22871993-8233 information which was obtained through in-depth interviews with several informants on the general evaluation of the Kardemir privatization indicate that, whether or not Kardemir was introduced as a permanently successful model, its success was realistic at least until the year 2001, notwithstanding the fact that the present state of affairs seems to run counter to the general logic of labor unionism. The article then argues for a research agenda to re-examine and revise the ways that can make the employee ownership process more successful in the light of ongoing changes in employment relations at Kardemir Industry, Turkey.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessEmployee ownershipLabor union-privatizationIndustrial democracyEmployee ownership and management: The case of Kardemir iron and steel mill industryArticle5331287212881Q3Q3WOS:000299743600018