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Yayın The evolution narrative of architectural form and the state of vital form(İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, 2023-09-30) Uçkan, Betül; Dursun Çebi, Pelin; Özsoy, Fatma AhsenThe concept of form in architectural design has been debated since prehistoric times. In its most straightforward meaning, form can be defined as the shape, shell, and inhabited volume of a structure. This study aims to explore the historical process of the transformation and evolution of form, as well as to discover new meanings and potentials of form through analysis, and to develop a critical perspective on form. The study is structured around three main axes. In the first stage, a mapping is designed to analyze the evolution of form throughout history. This mapping focuses on the changes in the approach to form, design, and making techniques chronologically. This stage reveals that form is no longer merely a final product represented by drawings or statically produced, but rather a concept that involves process and dynamism in a temporal-spatial dimension, whether in its design or production. In the second stage, the evolution of form is discussed through a new concept called ‘vital form’. While form represents something static or stationary, vital form signifies a dynamic and fluid state. While form is symbolically designed or produced by the designer from top to bottom, vital form represents a bottom-up, autonomous state formed by the influence of actors involved in design or production. Subsequently, the relationships, transitions, interactions, and changes between form and vital form, as well as their interpretations, are discussed within the proposed model in the study, based on conceptual sets derived from theoretical debates and the implications in design and making processes. It is believed that such exploration and awareness of form in architecture will bring new dimensions to the contemporary understanding, design, and making practices of form.Yayın Developing social sustainability criteria and indicators in urban planning: a holistic and integrated perspective(Konya Teknik Üniversitesi Mimarlık Ve Tasarım Fakültesi, 2023-06-27) Atalay, Hilal; Gülersoy, Nuran ZerenOne of the main reasons for today’s urban problems is the disregarding of social sustainability in urban interventions and the lack of an approach that evaluates social sustainability with all its issues as a universal and holistic one. In this context, the aim of this study is to determine and categorize social sustainability criteria, objectives, and indicators to measure and to assess social sustainability for ensuring the sustainability of cities that could be used in all urban areas and applied in urban planning. Within this scope, social sustainability criteria, objectives, and indicators identified by international organizations and academic/scientific studies on different scales and in urban areas were evaluated systematically and analytically. A matrix has been generated according to the frequency of occurrence of social sustainability criteria and indicators. Although research studies focus on criteria and indicators according to scale, subject, and specified matters. It is a necessity to identify social sustainability criteria and indicators that can be used on every scale and in every urban area. Accordingly, ten criteria have been determined: population, accessibility, education and skills, health, housing, security, belonging, participation, social capital and social cohesion, urban life quality, satisfaction, and adequacy of services. Based on the criteria, targets, sub-targets, indicators, and indicator definitions for each criterion have been identified. However, the significance of each criterion is addressed, as well as the reasons for their necessity for social sustainability. This study proposes a universal, detailed, and holistic perspective for the measurement and assessment of social sustainability that enables the use of both quantitative and qualitative data together and envisages the use of mixed techniques in obtaining and evaluating data. In addition, criteria and indicator systems will be able to guide practitioners and policymakers to make decisions related to the social structure before and after the implementation of urban projects.Yayın Sürdürülebilirlik bağlamında mimarlık meslek örgütleri bildirgelerinin ve uluslararası mutabakatların incelenmesi(Işık Üniversitesi Sanat, Tasarım ve Mimarlık Fakültesi, 2023-01) Tuna, RüksanBu çalışmada Sürdürülebilir Gelişmeyi tanımlayan ve büyümenin sınırlarını çizen 1987 Brutland Raporu’nun BM tarafından benimsenip imzalanmasının ardından geçen 35 yıl zarfında sürdürülebilirlik bağlamında mimarlık meslek örgütlerinin bildirgelerinin ve uluslararası mutabakatların incelemesi ve özeti yapılmıştır. Ağırlıkla TMMOB Mimarlar Odası yayınlarından faydalanılarak sürdürülebilirliğin meslek örgütü politikalarına yansımaları araştırılmıştır. Türkiye mimarlık meslek örgütünün çatı örgütü Uluslararası Mimarlar Birliği ve Avrupa Mimarlar Konseyi yayınlarında “sürdürülebilirlik” kavramı izlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Süreç içinde yapılan toplantılar, alınan kararlar irdelenerek, bunların bölgesel birlikler ile onların karar ve mutabakatlarına yansımaları irdelenmiştir. BM karar ve mutabakatlarına koşut olarak sürdürülebilirlik bağlamında yaşanan gelişmeler anakronikliğe düşülmeden yansıtılmaya çalışılmıştır.Yayın Çalışma mekânlarında esneklik kavramının değerlendirilmesi: Yemeksepeti.park örneği(Işık Üniversitesi Sanat, Tasarım ve Mimarlık Fakültesi, 2023-01) Uçkan, BetülModern hayatın etkisinde dönüşüme uğrayan ofis tipolojileri 20. yüzyılın sonunda ‘esnek çalışma mekânları’ başlığı altında gelişmeye başlamıştır. Tipoloji, değişen hiyerarşi sistemleri ve gelişen teknolojilerin beslediği esnek çalışma kültürüyle olgunlaşmaktadır. Çalışanların zamanı verimli ve keyifli geçiriyor olmalarının, ihtiyaçlarının ve taleplerinin ön planda tutulduğu; mekân ve zaman konusunda katı kuralları olmayan dinamik, akışkan bir çalışma hayatını benimseyen bu esnek çalışma sistemlerinde, içinde kurulacak olan yaşamı yaşatabilecek, canlandırabilecek, esnetebilecek çeşitli mekân organizasyonlarına ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Sürekli işleyen, devingen, akışkan yaşam senaryosuna uyum sağlayabilen bu mekânlarda aynı anda birçok farklı soruna çözüm olabilen, esneyebilen mekân çözümlemeleri dikkat çekmektedir. Katı, aşılamaz duvarlar yerlerini açık ofis sistemlerine ve yaşam senaryosuna göre yeniden kurulabilme olanağına sahip mekânlara bırakmaktadır. Tipoloji, son otuz yıldır tartışılıyor ve geliştiriliyor olsa da yapılan araştırmalar Covid-19 pandemisiyle çalışma hayatında esneklik kavramına verilen değerin arttığını ve artacağını öngörmektedir. Bu nedenle çalışma mekânlarında esneklik kavramının analizi ve mekânsal kalitenin artırılması -gelişimi hız kazanacağı düşünülen- bu tipoloji için önem arz etmektedir. Çalışmada, tipolojinin geliştirilmesi ve üretilecek yeni projelerde kullanılabilecek bir bilgi havuzu oluşturabilmesi amacıyla İstanbul için başarılı bir esnek çalışma mekânı olarak değerlendirilen YemekSepeti.Park projesi üzerinden analiz yapılmaktadır. İlk aşamada kaynak tarama, proje inceleme, mekânsal analiz, yerinde gözlem gibi yöntemlerle projedeki tasarım kararlarının ve tasarım unsurlarının incelenmesi; diğer aşamada ise anket soruları ve kısa görüşmeler aracılığıyla, mekânların kullanıcılar üzerindeki etkilerinin ve kullanıcı deneyimlerinin/ yorumlarının araştırılması yer almaktadır. İkinci aşamadaki anket çalışması ilk bölümde elde edilen veriler doğrultusunda, bu örnek üzerinden esnek çalışma mekânlarındaki güçlü ve zayıf yönlerini açığa çıkartabilmek, yeni fırsatlar yaratabilmek amacıyla hazırlanmıştır. YemekSepeti.Park örneğinde kullanıcıların olumlu ve olumsuz gördüğü konular, geliştirilmesini istedikleri mekânsal gereklilikler tartışılmıştır.Yayın What fundamental indicators should be used to measure the change in the historic urban landscape approach?(Konya Technical Univ, 2022-12-20) Koyunoğlu, Ayşen Balin; Gülersoy, Nuran ZerenHistoric Urban Landscape (HUL) identifies an urban area due to its cultural and natural values and the qualities of its historical plane. Within this context, this article aims to determine and categorize these values used in the HUL approach as indicators. The research question focuses on finding specific indicators used in the HUL approach to measuring change beyond considering natural and cultural heritage values in the landscape context. These indicators in 228 peer-reviewed publications implementing the HUL from 2008 to 2021 are assessed. The six-step inclusive and exclusive theoretical framework is established as a method in this article to detect the inadequate implementations of HUL in case studies. The initial finding of this article is that the adequacy of using the HUL approach in publications is questionable as the implementation of the HUL approach processes was incomplete or misunderstood in most of them. Only 29 articles of the 228 publications implemented the HUL approach in its entirety. The other finding is that when the change measurement indicators in the HUL approach are examined, it is evident that natural indicators were the least used group compared to cultural and identity indicators. Each cultural, natural, and identity indicator group should be utilized evenly to implement the HUL approach adequately. This article presents a fundamental indicator list that includes cultural, natural, and identity groups for correctly using the HUL approach.Yayın 19th IPHS Conference, 5-6 July 2022 (Delft, The Netherlands) prizes and awards(Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2022-11-02) Gülersoy, Nuran ZerenIPHS offers prizes and awards in urbanism, history, planning and the environment, mainly focusing on cities from the late nineteenth century. This year IPHS 2022 Prize and Award Winners were announced at the Awards Ceremony, which took place at the Delft Hybrid Format Conference on the 6th of July 2022. At the ceremony, IPHS Planning Perspectives Prize, IPHS Book Prizes, Anthony Sutcliffe Dissertation Award, IPHS Best Post-Graduate Planning History Paper Prize, Sir Peter Hall Award for Lifetime Achievement, East Asia Planning History (EAPH) Prize, and Koos Bosma Prize in Planning History Innovation have found their owners. This document provides information about the Prize and Award winners and their award-winning works and includes commendations based on the Judging Panel and Committee Reports.Yayın Başlangıcından günümüze sanatın gelişimine kısa bir bakış(Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi, 2016-07-12) Gökçe, Gündüz[No abstract available]Yayın Children’s participation in built environment design: the case of “Play Without Barriers” project(İTÜ Rektörlüğü, 2021-07) Arın Ensarioğlu, Sebla; Özsoy, Fatma AhsenSince participation theory became a crucial issue in various disciplines after late 1960’s, creating actual participatory processes generated an important question of debate. Today, in recent conditions the validity of urban design or local governing policies are evaluated depending on how much importance they attached to participatory approaches and social governance models. The earlier individuals start to involve participation into their lives, the more conscious they become. Therefore, participatory projects should consider the existence of youth and children in urban life and built environment design. This paper discusses the effects of built-environment education on the young participants while introducing a brief explanation of an educational model named “Play Without Barriers” (PWB), supported by several shareholders and which is designed also as a child participation project. PWB is a long term project which expanded into three years and came up with concrete results such as a playground project designed by its users, children, who participated a 27 week long educational program. From the beginning of the project, the participants (children aged between 8-14) found the chance to work with all of these shareholders, represent their ideas and get involved in the whole process. The general outline of the paper includes a literature review on the pros and cons of built environment education and participatory design, discussion of a case study (PWB) while mentioning the methods used in the education and application phases of this project, followed by a criticism of the process and declaration of the outcomes.Yayın Kültürel miras etki değerlendirme (KÜMED) kavramı, uluslararası yaklaşımlar ve uygulamalar: Türkiye’de KÜMED uygulanabilirliğinin irdelenmesi(KARE Publishing, 2021-12) Çetin, Burcu Can; Gülersoy, Nuran ZerenKültür varlıklarının korunması ve yönetilmesi süreçlerinde, koruma ile gelişme önerileri arasında denge kurulmasında yeni ve önemli bir araç olarak tanımlanan kültürel miras etki değerlendirme (KÜMED) konusu, 2000’li yılların başında çevresel etki değerlendirmeden ayrılarak geliştirilmeye başlanmıştır. “The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)” Dünya Miras Merkezi ve “International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS)” başta olmak üzere, kültür varlıklarının sürdürülebilirliğinin güçlendirilmesi hedefiyle birçok uluslararası kurum ve kuruluş tarafından çeşitli KÜMED rehberleri ve ilkeleri yayımlanmıştır. Son yıllarda Türkiye’nin yakından izlediği Avrupa Birliği ve Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nde, bu rehberlerin ülke mevzuatlarıyla bütünleştirilerek uygulanması uluslararası koruma literatürüne ve etki değerlendirme pratiklerine geniş katkılar sunmaktadır. Türkiye’de de KÜMED’in, mevcut koruma-etki değerlendirme-planlama sistemi içinde nasıl konumlandırılabileceği tartışılmaktadır. Bu nedenle, bu çalışmada, KÜMED ile ilgili uluslararası yaklaşımlardan ve örnek uygulamalardan yapılan çıkarımlarla Türkiye’deki kültür mirası ve etki değerlendirme ilişkisinin kurulabilmesi için benimsenmesi gereken KÜMED ilkeleri tanımlanmaktadır. Bu bağlamda; KÜMED kavramı açıklanmakta, günümüzdeki uluslararası çevresel etki değerlendirme yaklaşımlarında da görülen “proje” ya da “gelişme” odaklı perspektiften önemli ölçüde uzaklaşan, uluslararası koruma kurumlarının KÜMED yaklaşımlarına yer verilmektedir. Çalışmada ayrıca, gelişmiş ülkeler arasından KÜMED’e yenilikçi yaklaşımlar sunan ve Türkiye’de KÜMED’in geliştirilmesine katkı sağlayabilecek nitelikte çeşitlenen dört yurt dışı deneyimi olan Liverpool, Kinderdijk-Elshout, York Kenti Planı ve Özgürlük Anıtı örnekleri karşılaştırılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Uluslararası KÜMED yaklaşımları bağlamında Türkiye’de hazırlanmış KÜMED uygulamalarından sayılabilecek olan Haliç Metro Geçiş Köprüsü ve Avrasya Tüneli Türkiye’deki KÜMED sorunlarına dikkat çekilerek incelenmiştir. Ele alınan KÜMED uygulamalarının hepsinin öne çıkan nitelikleri ve güçlü özellikleri çerçevesinde Türkiye için ulusal bir koruma stratejisinin ihtiyacının yanı sıra; koruma-KÜMED-planlama sisteminin yeniden kurgulanarak bütünleştirilmesi gerekliliği vurgulanarak Türkiye’de uygulanabilir bir KÜMED için temel ilkeler geliştirilmiştir..Yayın Challenges of Turkish heritage impact assessment practices: case of canal Istanbul, Turkey(WITPress, 2021) Çetin, Burcu Can; Gülersoy, Nuran ZerenHeritage impact assessment (HIA) which has been implemented internationally after the Vienna Memorandum aims to contribute to both development initiatives and conservation principles. However, Turkish impact assessment practices still display inactive relationships with cultural heritage although the country developed alongside prior global experiences. Istanbul pioneered planning interventions and large-scale urban regeneration in Turkey, which has been the country's primary connection to global markets. Due to Istanbul's reputation as an investment centre defined by the government, the balance between conservation and development has become shallow. While Turkey introduced legislative measures from European perspectives, the country began to drift apart in terms of the logic behind HIAs since 2005, when the urban regeneration era commenced. In this context, Istanbul Canal exemplifies the Turkish approach of HIA, at the intersection of conservation and development, grounded exclusively in Turkish legislation. Established on the Canal Istanbul Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) practice, this study investigates the challenges encountered by Istanbul's cultural heritage, due to the hierarchical structure of the planning system, the adoption of international conservation and management principles, and the EIA-HIA processes and procedures. It considers that the deep-seated problems within the Turkish conservation-planning structure can be attributed to the ineffective HIA, and the results could contribute to the improvement of impact assessment mechanisms.Yayın A hierarchical definitional framework for a heterogeneous context: housing typologies in Tirana, Albania(Emerald Group Holdings Ltd., 2022-04-29) Manahasa, Edmond; Özsoy, Fatma Ahsen; Manahasa, Odeta DurmishiPurpose: The proposed definitional framework can be used to define housing typologies of cities in developing countries. It aims to define housing typologies in the capital city of Albania, Tirana, using the proposed hierarchical framework within the dynamics of four political periods: Ottoman, establishment, socialist and postsocialist. Design/methodology/approach: This study proposes a new definitional approach for the housing typologies through a hierarchical framework that defines the typologies based on their political period and legality statuses departing from the case of Tirana, which is featured by a heterogeneous context. Such context is characterized by uncontrollable urban development, making typology definition problematic. Furthermore, beyond the form, spatial and functional features, it presents their exterior distinctiveness as an innovative element. The methodology used in the study includes archival research, image documentation, spatial, functional and exterior distinctiveness analysis of housing typologies and exploration of housing form features in different political periods. Findings: The study identifies urban formal housing typologies in Tirana detached houses, apartments, mass housing, social housing, gated communities, informal detached houses and housing with in/formal additions. Originality/value: This definitional approach can be used to define housing typologies for cities featured by heterogeneous urban context.Yayın The urban and architectural characteristics of Voyvoda street from past to present(Konya Technical Univ, 2021-06) Seçmen, Serengül; Süyük Makaklı, ElifPurpose: Voyvoda Street in Galata district of Istanbul originated centuries ago at the inner walls of the medieval city and was one of the most significant of its era, which has preserved its unique character and urban identity. In the nineteenth century, it became an important financial axis for the city. This study aims to understand the factors which determined the axial character of Voyvoda Street and its urban identity. The street, which is under the influence of new dynamics is examined in relation to spatial and functional transformation. Design/Methodology/Approach: The analysis was developed by two essential components: the street and the buildings that define the character of the street by its architectural components, and their functional transformation since the nineteenth century. The axial character of the street has been evaluated due to selected criteria. The data is based on literature review, the survey of historical maps, visual materials such as photographs and gravure prints, and on-site observations. Findings: The street has been shaped and transformed by social, political, and economic developments, external and internal migrations, the influence of modernist architectural movements, urban reforms, Western innovations in transportation, and technical developments. Voyvoda Street's strong character as an axis is determined by its historical buildings, which are attached to each other continuously that form a wall defining the boundaries of the street. It is one of the essential pedestrian connections and functions as a path. Since most of the buildings lost their original functions, following the re-use for various needs, the service and cultural industries have become dominant. Although the historical characters of some buildings have been changed by new additions, the original silhouette of the nineteenth century is still dominant. Research Limitations/Implications: Visual materials and resources of some buildings were available in detail, while for some of them, the materials were limited. Originality/Value: The previous studies concentrated on urban, and architectural aspects of Galata district as a whole, whereas this study focused on the urban identity of Voyvoda Street. The street and the historical buildings that define the axial character and the image of the street by its architectural components, and their functional transformation have been analyzed.Yayın The porosity of borders: between formal and informal urban patterns(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2021) Cebir Meral, Gözde İrem; Özsoy, AhsenUrban spaces developed with formal and informal settlements that have varied permeability features are the places where any social, cultural and ethnic communities cohabit in a heterogeneous arrangement. Both formal/regular and informal/spontaneous modes of spatial production lead to changes in socio-economic and spatial relationships within the city. Planned and unplanned housing patterns intersect and are juxtaposed in time. The seam lines between the various parts of the patchwork-like settlements show different qualities in terms of transition characteristics, creating different patterns for the use of public and private space and spatial discontinuity. Therefore, fragmentation and disconnection are encountered between different social groups at the intersection of formal and informal residential settlements. The differences make the borders meaningful, however, to eliminate discontinuities in terms of creating quality urban environments; the boundaries should be more blurred, ambiguous and even seamless. Porosity/permeability characteristics of the borders as indicators of ambiguity strengthen the potentials of in-between space to increase communication and interaction providing urban fluidity. In the scope of the research, to analyze the connection/intersection of various formal/informal housing patterns in Istanbul in terms of their spatial and social dimensions, a comparative and mutual assessment is conducted. Creative approaches and bottom-up models of different countries related to the porosity characteristics of in-between zones are concluded along with the findings of the field study related to the theoretical framework.Yayın Evaluating nineteenth-century urbanization in the Galata neighbourhood of İstanbul using the maps by Huber, d’Ostoya, and Goad(Routledge, 2021) Özbay Kınacı, Merve; Zeren Gülersoy, Nuranİstanbul experienced significant changes in its urban pattern as a result of Westernization that took place in the nineteenth century. Galata, a neighbourhood located in the Beyoğlu District, represents the occidental and cosmopolitan face of the city during that time. This study examines the spatial effects of these social and political changesby integrating old city maps of Beyoğlu and Galata with geographic information system programmes (GIS). This methodology affords novel interpretations of historical maps thanks to these new ways of analyzing, displaying, and managing geographical information. The maps of G. d’Ostoya (1858–1860), R. Huber (1887–1891), and Charles E. Goad (1904–1906) have been coordinated with GIS software. Items such as buildings, roads, and empty spaces included as raster data have been transformed into vector data to make comparisons and superpositions possible within the GIS environment. Thus, the transformation of urban space can be revealed, and conclusions about how Galata experienced broader change across the nineteenth century can be perceived.Yayın Co-working space concept in the spatial and urban context: a case study of ‘Kolektif House’(Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakıf Üniversitesi, 2019-10-14) Süyük Makaklı, Elif; Yücesan, Ebru; Ozar, BetülThe concept of ‘Work’ and ‘Workplace’ started to change in recent decades in parallel with developments in information and communication Technologies. New ways of working have been defined as flexible, mobile and multi-locational. Co-working spaces have emerged worldwide as a new type of workspace concept. These places offer a flexible and appropriate work environment with various usage options. The aim of the study is to define the characteristics and development of the co-working space concept and analyzing the urban and spatial context as well as design criteria, the spatial solution, material and furniture selection of the selected case. In this study the case of ‘Kolektif House’ a co-working space, in Levent district in İstanbul has been selected, as the location can be defined as the central commercial district of the city. The space is created by refunctioning a part of an old factory-building which is evaluated as a sustainable devolepment project. The data used in this study is based on architectural drawings, visual materials, interviews, observations, as well as a literature review. The study demonstrates that changing work habits and user needs created new types of working place and in the selected case the created value in urban and spatial context by re-functioning an existed building was found to be positive.Yayın STEAM approach in architectural education(EDP Sciences, 2019-06-22) Süyük Makaklı, ElifArchitecture practice is reshaped by new technological developments such as virtual reality, augmented reality, 3D printing, computational design, robotics, etc. Future architects are expected to deliver spatial solutions, to understand changing living conditions and to discover the different future by responsing technological improvements. In architecture schools, students should explore and investigate design practice with different production methods, systems and materials by using various technologies in collaborations with interdisciplinary partners and industry. The study aims to understand the STEAM concept which is considered as a promising education approach and formulated; science, technology, engineering, math and then adds an 'A' for arts which represents the creative thinking and design approach. The STEAM concept and its place in the architectural education are discussed. The discipline of architecture is an intersection of technology, art and science. The architecture schools' curriculum reflects the interdisciplinary STEAM nature throughout the history. Virtual Reality (VR) is created through interdisciplinary technology and has the potential to prepare the students to future, to develop analytical and abstraction abilities.Yayın Evaluative, inclusive, participatory: Developing a new language with children for school building design(Elsevier Ltd, 2021-01-15) Manahasa, Odeta; Özsoy, Ahsen; Manahasa, EdmondThis paper emphasises the attribute of Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE) in school (re) design by extending the research toward genuine participation and evaluation. It aims to re-conceptualise “child’s participation” through exploring its relationship with POE by observing child-built environment connection and by demonstrating how children engage with the problems of school design. This empirically grounded research presents eight workshops with three different schools in Albania. It explores the process, outcomes, challenges, and opportunities during the active involvement of a total of 502 children aged 10–14 years old. The research incorporates a multiplicity of techniques from both creative and evaluative methods: essays, wish poem, drawing, model making, poster design, visual/POE questionnaire and walk-through are some that ensure a comprehensive achievement of children in the process. The study confirms the utility of participation in school design as a tool to propose child-oriented spaces. Within the results, six design concepts of the desired school building of children are identified. These are flexibility, horizontality, campus-like environment, transparency, accessibility, and ecological concept. We propose a participation language based on the experience, perception, imagination, and active involvement of the children in the learning environments. It concludes that children participation builds upon a spatial experience which lies on the child-school relationship. Language is dynamic and allows researchers and designer to edit and annotate whenever needed, but by always referring to the school of children active and present in participation. It emphasises the POE-participation connection and to further open the discourse of participation to the Albanian public.Yayın Manisa’da Osmanlı dönemi mirası: Sıbyan mektepleri(International Balkan University, 2019) Süyük Makaklı, Elif; Ozar, BetülAntik çağlarda Sypylos adıyla bilinen dağın kuzey eteklerinde kurulan Manisa (Magnesia Ad Sipylus), tarihsel süreç içinde yaşamını kesintisiz sürdürebilmiş önemli kentlerden birisidir. Kentin köklü tarihi ve kültürel kodlarını yansıtan mimari mirası, korunmaya değer önemli niteliklere sahiptir. Tarihsel süreçte sosyolojik, kültürel ve teknolojik gelişmelerden etkilenen kentler doğal bir şekilde büyümüş, değişmiş ve dönüşmüştür. Bu değişimler sonucu günümüzde tescillenmiş bazı yapıların özgün fonksiyonlarını yitirdiği görülmüştür. Bu çalışmada Manisa şehir merkezinde yer alan ve günümüze ulaşan seçili sıbyan mekteplerinin yerleşim, planlama ve yapısal özelliklerinin geçmişte ve günümüzde taşıdıkları anlamlar değerlendirilmiştir. Kentsel mekanı tanımlayan bir öğe olarak Sıbyan Mekteplerinin sokakla ve onun tanımladığı mekanla olan diyaloğunu ve bu mekanların geçmişte ve günümüzde toplumsal kavranışını anlamak çalışmanın bir diğer amacıdır. Çalışmada literatür taraması, haritalar ve görsel dokümanlar, alanda gözlem, fotoğraflama yöntemleri kullanılmıştır. Manisa merkezdeki sıbyan mekteplerinin günümüzdeki mevcut kullanım durumları incelendiğinde birbirinden farklı fonksiyonlara sahip oldukları gözlemlenmiştir. Yapıların ana kullanıcısı olan çocukların eğitim aldığı işlevlendirmelerin yanı sıra farklı işlevlerin de kullanıldığı görülmektedir. Çocuk öznesini odağına alan işlevlendirmeler ile bu yapıların aktif bir şekilde kullanımının sağlanabileceği; çevrelerine, mahallelerine ve kente bütünselliği ile canlılık katan unsurlara dönüşebileceği düşünülmektedir. Özgün fonksiyonlarını yitiren bu yapıların kent içinde görünürlük ve algılanabilirlik düzeyi düşüktür ve yapılan yanlış işlevlendirmeler ve kusurlu müdahaleler ile zarar görmüşlerdir. Bu sebeple çalışmanın sonucunda yapıların bütüncül bir yaklaşımla koruma ve işlevlendirilmesine yönelik öneriler de üretilmiştir.Yayın Towards hands-on computing in design: An analysis of the haptic dimension of model making(Middle East Technical Univ, 2011) Zaman, Çağrı Hakan; Özkar Kabakçıoğlu, Mine; Çağdaş, GülenModel making plays a crucial part in the early stages of architectural design. It captures spatial percepts and allows for three dimensional thinking and evaluation, hence establishing a direct connection between the body and the object. In the context of architectural design, model making enables exploration of the formal and the spatial qualities of a design through the contrasts in different aspects such as form, size, color or material. The easily revisable nature of the conceptual models helps architects to search for the design alternatives (Knoll and Hechinger, 2007, 19). Architectural scale models are design tools that promote thinking and the communication between the designer and the design (Smith, 2004). Models in the making, aside from serving the material undertaking of a design idea, act as sketches just as two dimensional sketch drawings do. Gürsoy (2010) has recently discussed model-making as a form of preliminary design sketching, and the possible contribution of its inherent ambiguities to the design process. Model sketches are objects in becoming, subject to the designer's spatial perception and intellect. They are continually open to discoveries.