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Güncel Gönderiler

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    Isıtma işleminin kızılçam (Pinus brutia Ten.) tohumlarının çimlenmesine etkisi
    (Düzce Üniversitesi, 2013-03-01) Çetin, Bilal; Boydak, Melih
    Bu çalışmada, Anamur ve Mersin yörelerinden seçilen 2 kesitteki 4’er yükselti kuşağından (0-400 m, 400-800 m, 800-1200 m ve ≥1200 m) toplanan kızılçam (Pinus brutia Ten.) tohumlarına ısıtma işlemi (1, 3, 5 ve 7 dakika) uygulanmış ve bu tohumların çimlenme özelliklerindeki değişim irdelenmiştir. Araştırmada, ısıtma işlemi uygulanan tohumların hangi sıcaklıkta çimlendirileceğini tespit etmek amacıyla 15, 20 ve 25oC ön çimlendirme testleri yapılmış ve sırasıyla %44,2, %68,1 ve %52,0 çimlenme yüzdeleri elde edilmiştir. Bu çimlendirmelerde en yüksek çimlenmeler her iki kesitte ve bütün yükselti kuşaklarında 20oC’de (%68,1) olmuş ve ısıtma işlemi uygulanan tohumlarda bu sıcaklıkta çimlendirilmiştir. Yapılan çimlendirme denemelerine göre, yükseltinin artmasıyla çimlenme performansları düşmüştür. Isıtılan tohumlarda çimlenme yüzdeleri, genel olarak alt yükselti kuşağından üst yükselti kuşağına doğru azalmıştır. 150oC’de ısıtılan tüm tohumlarda 1 dakika ısıtma süresinde (%62,9) kontrole (%66,4) yakın çimlenmeler hatta bazı yükselti kuşaklarında kontrolden daha fazla çimlenme elde edilmiştir. 3 dakika ısıtma süresindeki (%33,9) çimlenmelerde önemli oranda düşüşler olmuş ve 5 dakikalık ısıtma süresinde (%3,3) ise az miktarlarda çimlenme gözlenmiştir. 7 dakika ısıtma süresinde, bütün yükselti kuşaklarında tohumlar tamamen canlılığını kaybetmiş ve hiç çimlenme (%0,0) olmamıştır.
  • Yayın
    ISSR genotyping of Phoenix theophrasti natural populations in Turkey and Crete (Greece) and P. Dactylifera
    (John Wiley and Sons Inc, 2021-10) Boydak, Melih; Teker, Tuğba; Gazdağlı, Aylin; Thanos, Costas A.; Çalışkan, Servet; Kaltsis, Apostolis; Çalikoğlu Tozlu, Emine; Fournaraki, Christini; Albayrak, Gülruh
    Intraspecific and interspecific diversity between Phoenix theophrasti individuals (92 from Turkey and 70 from Crete, Greece) and P. dactylifera specimens (28 from Turkey) were investigated by inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) analysis. A total of 45 polymorphic fragments, 360–3454 bps long, were produced. Intraspecific diversity for P. dactylifera was 26.63% and similarities ranged between 0.5 and 1. In the constructed dendrogram, P. dactylifera specimens clustered together in the first main group, outside branches consisting of P. theophrasti samples that generated the second main group. The intraspecific diversity for Turkish P. theophrasti populations was found to be 18.60% and for Cretan populations 13.45%. Antalya–Kumluca–Karaöz samples were grouped outside the branches of the remaining P. theophrasti samples. All three Cretan populations formed their own, separate branch. Datça–Eksera Stream samples together with two Datça–Hurmalıbük specimens constituted a group excluding Datça–Hurmalıbük and Bodrum–Gölköy specimens. Five Bodrum–Gölköy genotypes were clustered separately. Gene flow (Nm) values among populations were estimated from 0.157 to 59.615. AMOVA analysis revealed the percentages of variance among and within Phoenix populations: 73% and 27%, respectively. The first three principal coordinate components accounted for 37.60, 29.32 and 20.04%, respectively, thus the total variance obtained from the first three principal coordinate components was 86.96%. A positive correlation between geographic and genetic distances of populations was detected by Mantel tests (Rx,y = 0.44, p = 0.04). The populations were classified into four clusters by STRUCTURE analysis, supported the PCoA data. To conclude, ISSR results support that P. dactylifera and P. theophrasti are different species. Moreover, the findings not only revealed relationships between natural Phoenix theophrasti populations but also supported the identification of the P. theophrasti individuals that are phenotypically differentiated in the divided Bodrum–Gölköy population (P. theophrasti subsp. golkoyana).
  • Yayın
    A new subspecies of Phoenix theophrasti Greuter (Phoenix theophrasti Greuter subsp. golkoyana Boydak) from Turkey
    (Istanbul Univ-Cerrahpasa, 2019-07) Boydak, Melih
    In the present study, a new subspecies (Phoenix theophrasti Greuter subsp. golkoyana Boydak) is described in Turkey. The unidentified Phoenix taxon native to Bodrum-Golkoy, Aegean Turkey and named as the "Golkoy Phoenix population" has been known to Golkoy's inhabitants for centuries. The Golkoy Phoenix population was considered to be representative of P. theophrasti. Boydak made the first of a number of trips to Golkoy and immediately noticed some distinct differences between the Golkoy Phoenix population, P. theophrasti Greuter, and Phoenix dactylifera L in the early summer of 1990. He continued his investigations on this taxon for many years to shed light on the subject. He made two new trips to the three native stands of P. theophrasti and the Golkoy Phoenix populations in 2015 and 2018. Measurements and observations were made on the morphological characteristics that showed distinct differences among the Golkoy Phoenix population, P. theophrasti, and P. dactylifera. These were related to the length of male stalks and female inflorescences and some fruit and seed characteristics. The results indicate that some distinctive morphological characteristics of the "Golkoy Phoenix population" merit its being described as a new subspecies. "Phoenix theophrasti Greuter subsp. golkoyana Boydak" differs from P. theophrasti Greuter with respect to its longer fruiting-female stalk length and longer male stalk length, its fruiting stalks hold fruits marginally higher, and its having seeds with slightly visible striate surface crust structures and deeper-wider grooves.
  • Yayın
    Afforestation of arid and semiarid ecosystems in Turkey
    (Tubitak Scientific & Technical Research Council Turkey, 2017-05-28) Çalışkan, Servet; Boydak, Melih
    Sustainable management of arid and semiarid forests requires careful planning and implementation. Afforestation by planting and seeding is a fundamental tool for the establishment of new forests on barren landscapes and restoration of degraded forests in arid and semiarid ecosystems. In afforestation efforts, the consideration of site preparation, selection of species, seed source, and planting methods pose a number of ecological and economic challenges. Possessing one of the world's richest floras, Turkey suffered from heavy degradation during the last millennia. Some studies suggested that forests and steppes once covered 60%-70% and 10%-15% of the Anatolian landscape, respectively. Growing population, overgrazing, clearance for agriculture, fires, excessive timber harvesting, and misuse of lands led to a 26% reduction in the forest area. The Turkish Forest Service completed 2.3 million ha of afforestation and 1.2 ha of erosion control works, mostly in semiarid landscapes. This article presents an assessment of afforestation activities in the semiarid and arid regions of Turkey and is a review of the efforts exerted during the period 1945 to 2014.
  • Yayın
    Yeşil çatı sistemlerinin su ve enerji dengesi açısından değerlendirilmesi
    (Istanbul Univ, Fac Forestry, 2016) Ekşi, Mert; Uzun, Adnan
    Yeşil çatı kavramı, günümüzde sığ derinliğe sahip bir yetişme ortamı üzerinde (2-10 cm), değişken çevre koşullarına uyum sağlayabilen otsu bitki türleriyle bitkilendirilen, bakım ihtiyaçları düşük olan, üzerinde bulunduğu binaya ve şehre sağladığı katkılar nedeniyle tesis edilen ekstensif (az yoğun) çatı bahçeleri için kullanılan bir terimdir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, İstanbul iklim şartlarında yer alan bir yeşil çatı sisteminin, ısı yalıtımı, su tutma, yüzeysel akış, bitki büyüme durumu gibi özelliklerinin ve çevresel etmenlerle olan etkileşiminin karşılaştırmalı ölçümler yardımıyla belirlenmesidir. Çalışma kapsamında, bir araştırma alanı kurularak (İÜ Yeşil Çatı Araştırma İstasyonu), yeşil çatı sistemlerinin İstanbul şartlarında su ve enerji dengesi açısından değerlendirmesi yapılmıştır. Bu sayede İstanbul şartlarındaki bir yeşil çatı sistemi su ve enerji dengesi açısından değerlendirilmiş, kentle ve üzerinde bulunduğu yapıyla olan ilişkileri tespit edilmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda, yeşil çatı sisteminin referans çatıya oranla genel ortalamada %77 oranında ısı verimliliği sağladığı tespit edilmiştir. Çatı yüzeylerinde oluşan sıcaklık dalgalanmaları, çatının yeşil çatı ile kaplı bölümünde %79 oranında daha düşük olarak ölçülmüştür. Bunun yanı sıra çatı yüzeyine gelen yağış, yetişme ortamındaki nem içeriğine bağlı olarak %12,8 ile %100 oranında yeşil çatı sistemi içerisinde biriktirilmiş ve sistemden su tahliyesi 23 saate kadar ertelenebilmiştir.
  • Yayın
    An auxiliary tool for landscape evaluation: Ecological risk analysis based on analytic hierarchy process
    (Parlar Scientific Publications (P S P), 2017) Aksu, Gül Aslı; Musaoğlu, Nebiye; Uzun, Adnan
    Ecological Risk Analysis may be used as an auxiliary method in making landscape planning and management decisions. However, both choosing the subject criteria of the analysis, and assigning values to such criteria are all left to the discretion of the decision-maker. Ecological Risk Analysis is therefore ranked as a qualitative mode of assessment. What was intended herein was to rule the Ecological Risk Analysis, which may significantly contribute to the assessment of a landscape, out of being a qualitative mode, and to turn it into a semi quantitative means of assessment. In order to turn the Ecological Risk Analysis into a semi-quantitative mode of assessment, Analytic Hierarchy Process was resorted. Main criteria (vegetation, soil, water, and bioclimatic comfort) to determine the "Ecological Value", and the sub-criteria to set forth these criteria were decided upon. These criteria were then overlaid by means of matrices within the scope of the Analytical Hierarchy Method, weight ratios thereof were determined, and the consistency ratios thereof were calculated. Risk maps of the main criteria further superimposed according to the weight ratios, which had been calculated to be consistent, the Ecological Risk Map was thereby attained. Areas with high ecological risk value are located at the west and northeast part of the research area. Regions were discussed in the frame of landscape planning and sustainability depending on risk levels.
  • Yayın
    Culture and silviculture: origins and evolution of silviculture in Southeast Europe
    (Commonwealth Forestry Assoc, 2018-03) O'Hara, Kevin L.; Bončína, Andrej; Diaci, Jurij; Anić, Igor D.; Boydak, Melih; Čurović, Milić; Govedar, Zoran V.; Grigoriadis, Nikolaos; Ivojevic, S.; Keren, Srđan; Kola, H.; Kostov, G.; Medarević, Milan J.; Metaj, M.; Nicolescu, N. V.; Raifailov, G.; Stăncioiu, Petru Tudor; Velkovski, Nikolco
    Silvicultural practices are generally developed to meet societal objectives given the constraints of the site. This simple premise is a foundation of modern silviculture. However, silviculture may vary for other reasons related to cultural factors. This paper reviews the differences in silviculture in the twelve countries that comprise southeastern Europe, an area that includes a variety of cultures, and a complex history. The silviculture generally follows three models: coppice systems that are largely unregulated, even-aged stands that include former coppice stands and other reforested sites, and systems to develop and maintain complex stand structures. Plantation management is not common. Cultural and historic drivers have affected the development of silviculture in this region. Additional drivers include forest access, the importance of wood for fuel, and proximity to central Europe. It is anticipated that European Union membership of countries in the region will lead to greater regional and international exchange and cooperation in the future.
  • Yayın
    Effects of heat shock on seed germination of Turkish red pine (Pinus brutia)
    (Universidad Austral De Chile, 2016) Boydak, Melih; Çalışkan, Servet
    Fire plays an important ecological role in Mediterranean-type ecosystems. Many Mediterranean plant species exhibit enhanced germination capacity when exposed to heat. In the present study, the effect of high temperatures and exposure times on germination of Turkish red pine (Pinus brutia) was analyzed in order to reveal the response of seeds to fire and the implications on species regeneration. Seeds were heated to a range of temperatures (from 75 to 170 ºC) and exposure times (from 30 seconds to 30 minutes) similar to those obtained in surface soil layers during natural fires. In total, twenty treatments were performed. Seed germination percentages and germination values were calculated for each treatment. The results of ANOVA performed for germination values showed that temperature had a significant effect. Germination percentages increased in thermal treatments at 70 ºC for 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 min; at 105 ºC for 10, 15, 20, and 25 min, and at 130 ºC for 1 and 2 min. The increase in both temperature and exposure times generally decreased the germination percentage especially at 130 °C and over in comparison with the control. Maximum germination percentage was reached in the treatment at 130 ºC for 1 min while the minimum germination was reached at 130 ºC for 10 min.