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Yayın First domino tile in the social innovation process: idea creation of university students(IEEE, 2016-09-08) Yıldırım, Nihan; Ansal, HacerInterrelations between creativity, innovativeness and entrepreneurial skills of individuals have long been discussed in the literature. Due to the challenges regarding their measurement, most studies focused on the intentions rather than the outcomes. The idea generation that requires creativity is the first stage of social innovation. The young population's creative potentials in participating social innovation practices deserve a special attention as they play a critical role in the innovativeness and entrepreneurship of societies. This study aims to explore the factors that determine the creative intentions of university students that are important in generating social innovation projects. A structured survey based on the literature was conducted among 600 management and engineering students from 3 universities from the different percentiles of the Entrepreneurial and Innovative University Index for 2012 of the Turkish Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology. The survey included questions on the demographic characteristics, environmental factors, motivators, university/institutional context, perceptions and creative thinking attitudes. By conducting reliability and factor analysis, accuracy and validity of data is tested and the impact factors were identified. Findings reveal that visionary attitude, curiosity, exploration and learning, attitude for own creativity, self-esteem, perception about the learnability of creativity, university and social environment are components of creative thinking intentions of students and some of these factors vary by year of study and university.Yayın Research characteristics and agenda of technology management discipline in Turkey(IEEE, 2008) Ansal, Hacer; Aygören, Huriye; Ekmekci, Cavit UmutDespite the growing importance of "Technology Management" (TM) field in advanced countries since 1990s, it is rather new for developing countries such as Turkey. Considering the diversity of needs and concerns in different countries, the evolution of TM discipline can be expected to follow different paths to include different national experiences and to consider unique national needs and concerns in relation with technology management. Therefore, to what extent this diversity is reflected in the mainstream TM research agenda is an important issue. Thus, the aim of this study is in two folds; first, to examine how the general research characteristics and agenda of TM discipline have evolved in the academic research in Turkey, and next, to what extent they have converged or diverged with the patterns of mainstream TM research in international journals, by analyzing the TM articles published by Turkish academics both in the national and international scientific journals. The findings of this research reveal that the TM discipline in Turkey indicate both divergent and convergent characteristics when compared with the results of recent studies about developed and developing countries. In addition, a significant difference is observed about how these characteristics are reflected in national and international journals.Yayın Benefiting innovative capabilities of software developer/user communities in developing countries(IEEE, 2010) Ansal, Hacer; Yıldırım, NihanSince technological innovation is generally considered to be a major force in global economic growth, the development of innovative capabilities in developing countries has been a very important policy issue. Free/Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) has reshaped software technology through the creation of developer/user communities which enabled the collaboration of different parties resulting in the production of Linux and similar software projects. FLOSS user/developer community networks serve not only as "learning, reviewing, and testing" environments for developers, but they may also act as innovation networks that contribute to the improvement of the innovative capabilities of individual developers within the community. Therefore, understanding the characteristics, the motivating factors and the innovative dynamics of these developer communities will provide valuable insight into how to improve the innovative capabilities of developing countries in relation to software.The aim of this paper is to explore the characteristics of FLOSS developer communities in order to discover what benefits they may offer developing countries in generating innovative capabilities related to software. By conducting a survey in the FLOSS user/developer community in Turkey, the demographic characteristics, motivation factors and innovative characteristics of the community are explored and the question of whether these communities may act as innovation networks is examined. It is concluded that FLOSS community networks mostly serve as knowledge sharing and collaboration platforms, however, they do have the potential to evolve into innovation networks if they receive support from the local software industry and academic institutions.Yayın How do mobile technologies affect work and private lives? The case of Turkish banking professionals(IEEE, 2014-07-27) Yıldırım, Nihan; Ansal, HacerMobile technologies (MTs) became important part of infrastructure in service industries. The impacts of MT usage in work are shown to be significant; improving the productivity, responsiveness, effectiveness and flexibility of companies, while reshaping the work place organization and making employees accessible on a 7/24 basis. However, there are great differences in terms of the types and levels of these impacts on organizations and individuals as the industry, region/country changes. Moreover, not much is known about the effects of MTs in developing countries like Turkey where there is a rapidly increasing mobile penetration (mobile phone and internet subscription rates) which is a critical infrastructure component of mobile working.Turkey has quite an advanced banking industry that has went through serious industrial restructuring. Banking industry has always been among the early adapters and first users of new information and communication technologies, as well as first appliers of new organizational development and human resource management techniques. In the last few years, mobile technologies has become key technologies for banks and accordingly, the usage of mobile devices by banking professionals for work purposes increased. As happened in other new information technologies and human resources systems, experiences of banking industry in mobile technology usage at work-place can provide best practices or lessons for practitioners form other industries.This study tries to provide insights on the perceptions of employees in the Turkish banking industry, about the impact of these technologies on their work practices and on their private lives. A structured survey is carried out with 107 white collar professionals from 5 major retail banks in Turkey. By conducting Factors Analysis and correlation analysis, 8 main factors are identified that represents the impacts of MT usage for work purposes and their interrelations with eachother and demographic factors are explored.Findings reveal that intensity of mobile device usage is still not high in banking industry. Employees perceive the positive impacts of mobile working on information and knowledge supply chain, time management of their organization,. Time management is one of the issues occurred due to mobile working. Attention and focus on meetings and interviews seems to be challenged due to parallel usage of mobile devices in meetings. There are correlations between feeling "Control, pressure, demand for responsiveness and workload" and intensity of mobile device usage and continous accessibility. Similarly, improvements in information and knowledge/flow and meeting organizations are correlated to the impacts of mobile working on productivity, quality and work-life balance. Research showed that the perceptions of employess about the implications of mobile work on "productivity, effectiveness and work-life balance" and "Attention and Focus on Group work like Meetings and Interviews" vary by gender, and on "Multitasking and work-shifting" vary by age. Education level also affects the perception on "Productivity, effectiveness and work-life balance". Hence the policy makers and managers and they also must consider the demographics of the employees when designing and implementing systems about mobile working in banking industry.Yayın A critical question for bariatric surgery candidates: why do you think you need surgery and are you ready for change?(Springer, 2014-08-26) Deveci, Ezgi; Yücel, Başak; Sertel Berk, Hanife Özlem; Barbaros, Umut; Türker, Fulya[No abstract available]Yayın Age, gender and socioeconomic status differentials vs. clinical diagnostic criteria in self-rated health among older adults with cancer(Wiley-Blackwell, 2013-02) Seçkin, Gül[No abstract available]