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Güncel Gönderiler

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  • Yayın
    Dijital ekonomi ve özgür yazılım: Marksist bir analiz
    (İletişim Yayınları, 2012) Koloğlugil, Serhat; Orhan, Sevinç; Koloğlugil, Serhat; Yalçıntaş, Altuğ
    [No abstract available]
  • Yayın
    İktisatta bir hayalet: Karl Marx
    (İletişim Yayınları, 2012) Koloğlugil, Serhat; Orhan, Sevinç; Yalçıntaş, Altuğ
    Bugün Avrupa’da Marx’ın sözünü ettiği bir komünizm hayaleti dolaşıyor mu, bunun tayinini okuyucuya bırakıyoruz. Bizim bu çalışma dolayısıyla görebildiğimiz, iktisatta bir hayaletin dolaşıyor olduğu – Marx’ın hayaleti. Marx ve Engels Komünist Manifesto’da, komünizm hayaletinin en nihayetinde kapitalizmi yıkarak somutlaşacağından bahsediyordu. Bugün, bu hayaletin varlığına olan inancın bazı kapitalizm karşıtı çevrelerde bile yok sayıldığı bir çağı yaşıyoruz. Peki, sahiden de ruh çağıracak, tarihî bir dönemeçte ismen zikredilecek bir yazar mıdır Marx? Yoksa insanlığın başka bir dünya hayal etmesini doğuran şartlar bugün hâlâ var olmaya devam mı etmektedir? Marx anlatmaya devam ediyor. Kapitalizmi niteleyen, onun bitip tükenmek bilmeyen iştahını açıklayan kuramıyla, zihin açıcı ve benzersiz bir düşünür olarak varlığını koruyor. Onun meşhur hayalet metaforuna gönderme yapan kitap, Marx’ın sorularını ve yöntemini hatırlatıyor, yeniden yorumluyor. Mevcut yaklaşımları özetlerken, güçlü bir alternatif olarak sorunları ele alış biçimini irdeliyor.
  • Yayın
    The labor market effects of immigration
    (IGI Global, 2016-12-28) İnanç Tunçer, Özlem
    This chapter discusses the effects of immigration on the labor market of receiving countries, focusing on employment. The effect of immigration on the welfare of native population is an important issue in public debate. The common perception is, at least in the short run, because of immigration, unemployment rates would increase in the host countries, or that immigrants would depress wages of native workers. However, these perceptions do not find confirmation in the previous research on this literature. According to Jean and Jimenez (2011), the evidence is, at best, mixed. Although the magnitude of the impact depends on time and space, in general, results of the previous literature indicate that immigration has only very small or no effect on employment and wages of resident workers. The aim of this chapter is to provide an overview of immigration-labor market relation for different countries and time intervals with some significant policy implications with regards to state officials.
  • Yayın
    CSR and social marketing as enablers of recovery after the global recession: The Turkish banking industry
    (IGI Global, 2018-01-01) Gül, Mısra Çağla; Kaytaz, Mehmet
    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a relatively new concept in Turkey. Leading companies including banks stress socially responsible activities in their marketing communications. The recent economic crisis put banks into the center stage again. Turkey was one of the few countries that emerged from the economic downturn relatively quickly. In the initial stages of the crisis, banks faced some criticism for protecting their self-interest more and not acting for the benefit of the society. Later, these criticisms got weaker and less frequent. This chapter examines the behavior of banks during the crisis with respect to CSR and social marketing. Particularly, the chapter analyzes how the banks behaved during the crisis and how they supported small and medium scale enterprises and local communities through CSR strategies, as well as how they utilized CSR efforts as a marketing tool. In addition, the outcome of these strategies is discussed.
  • Yayın
    The labor market effects of immigration
    (IGI Global, 2018-01-01) İnanç Tunçer, Özlem
    This chapter discusses the effects of immigration on the labor market of receiving countries, focusing on employment. The effect of immigration on the welfare of native population is an important issue in public debate. The common perception is, at least in the short run, because of immigration, unemployment rates would increase in the host countries, or that immigrants would depress wages of native workers. However, these perceptions do not find confirmation in the previous research on this literature. According to Jean and Jimenez (2011), the evidence is, at best, mixed. Although the magnitude of the impact depends on time and space, in general, results of the previous literature indicate that immigration has only very small or no effect on employment and wages of resident workers. The aim of this chapter is to provide an overview of immigration-labor market relation for different countries and time intervals with some significant policy implications with regards to state officials.
  • Yayın
    Youth unemployment in Turkey
    (IGI Global, 2016-12-28) Susanlı, Zehra Bilgen
    This book chapter describes the recent trends in youth unemployment in Turkey by taking into account the causes of unemployment, and the job search methods of the unemployed. Analyses reveal interesting insights. First, inactivity among youth remains high despite the steep decline in the NEET rate during the last decade. Across age groups and genders, females aged between 20 and 24 have the highest NEET rates. Second, there is a widening gender unemployment gap which underscores gender differences in access to jobs. Third, unemployment rates increase consistently with the level of education. Fourth, while temporary jobs coming to an end is the most common reason for unemployment reported by males, a substantial share of unemployed females is first-time jobs-seekers. As far as policymaking is concerned, education policies as well as timely and well-designed training and job assistance programs are essential for facilitating the youth's entry into stable employment.
  • Yayın
    CSR and social marketing as enablers of recovery after the global recession: the Turkish banking industry
    (IGI Global, 2016-12-21) Gül, Mısra Çağla; Kaytaz, Mehmet
    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a relatively new concept in Turkey. Leading companies including banks stress socially responsible activities in their marketing communications. The recent economic crisis put banks into the center stage again. Turkey was one of the few countries that emerged from the economic downturn relatively quickly. In the initial stages of the crisis, banks faced some criticism for protecting their self-interest more and not acting for the benefit of the society. Later, these criticisms got weaker and less frequent. This chapter examines the behavior of banks during the crisis with respect to CSR and social marketing. Particularly, the chapter analyzes how the banks behaved during the crisis and how they supported small and medium scale enterprises and local communities through CSR strategies, as well as how they utilized CSR efforts as a marketing tool. In addition, the outcome of these strategies is discussed.