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Yayın Financial sustainability of higher education system(PressAcademia, 2024-01-15) Eşkinat, Ali; Teker, SuatPurpose- Financial sustainability is vital for the higher education systems in the global competitive atmosphere of the world of 2020s. This paper reviews a comparative analysis between the budgets and expenditures of the Turkish and British higher education systems, beside a view on those of the OECD countries. This paper intends to clarify Turkish higher education system’s difficulties in financial sustainability to provide required academic standards due to increasing costs and number of students versus the economic strength of significant actors such as the United Kingdom in the globalized competition. For this reason, this paper advocates cost advantages provided by the application of effective online education model to acquire financial sustainability clarifying the rise of digital universities by the 2030s. Methodology-. The study employs a literature review aiming to perform a comparative analysis on the financial structures of Turkish and British higher education systems. Moreover, OECD data were also reflected. The aim was to identify the possible difficulties of Turkish higher education system in financial sustainability to provide required academic standards in the competitive global area and find a contemporary solution. Findings- The analysis reveals that the Turkish higher education system have disadvantages in providing financial sustainability under the conditions of increasing costs as well as number of students in order to reach the required standards in the global league. Notably, it is clearly seen that efective application of online education strategy is an opportunity to balance revenues and expenditures in this way. As a matter of the fact, the effect of digital transformation era and the attitude of Generation Z students have already prepared this atmosphere. Conclusion-. Governments highly financed higher education systems after 20th Century. However, financial problems emerged due to increasing number of students and increasing costs. Eventhough the budgets had continuously been increased, Turkish higher education system have realized lower expenditures in the OECD average. Problems in financial sustainability to provide required academic standards have clearly been noticed in the global competitive atmosphere while compared with the example of the United Kingdom. Over the Covid19 crisis, universities successfully implemented hybrid education around the world increasing the effect of online systems forced by Generation Z’s perspective on embracing Digital Technologies. So, effective application of online education model appeared as a new opportunity for Turkish higher education system to provide financial sustainability decreasing costs and also efficiently compete in the global area. Indeed, blended learning in traditional universities and inevitable growth of digital higher education institutions named as University 5.0 will be seen after 2030s.Yayın The effects of policy rate announcements on the exchange rates(PressAcademia, 2024-01-15) Teker, Suat; Teker, Dilek; Demirel, EsinPurpose- Exchange rate is the value of a country's national currency against foreign national currencies. In this context, the exchange rate is considered an important macroeconomic indicator in evaluating the country's economy. The failure to control the exchange rate may damage economy significantly. It is possible to understand this from the 2001 crisis in Turkey, known as 'Black Wednesday', and the foreign Exchange crisis that started in Thailand in 1997 and affected many East Asian countries. Interest rate is one of the critical determinants affecting the exchange rates. Therefore, changes in interest rates are expected to affect the level of exchange rates. When there is an increase in interest rates, foreign capital flow is expected for that particular country. Hence, a decrease in exchange rates is expected for the excess capital flows. This study aims to analyze the relationship between exchange rates and interest rates, considering the last 10 announcements of the interest policy of the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkiye. These announcements are between January 19, 2023 and October 26, 2023. The study used the TL/USD exchange rates and 10-year government bond interest rates to measure the relationship in between these two variables. Methodology-The aim of this study is to analyze the relationship between the dollar exchange rate and government bond interest rates for Turkiye. For this purpose, data is collected for the days when the last 10 policy rates published by the CBRT were announced. Data is obtained Vector Autoregression (VAR) is used to measure the relationship in between two variables. The VAR system is based on empirical regularities embedded in the data. The VAR model may be viewed as a system of reduced form equations in which each of the endogenous variables is regressed on its own lagged values and the lagged values of all other variables in the system. Vector Autoregressive models are widely used in time series research to examine the dynamic relationships exist in between variables that interact with one another. In addition, VAR models are viable forecasting tools used often by macroeconomic or policy -making institutions. . In this study first, the stationary levels of the variables are determined by using Unit Root Test. Second, pre-tests of autocorrelation, heteroscedasticity and normality are conducted for the validity of the VAR model. Third, the short-term relationship between variables is tested by using VAR Granger Causality Test. Fourth, VAR analysis is utilized by applying Impulse-Response Analysis and Variance Decomposition Analysis . And finally, the long-term relationship between variables is tested by using Johansen Cointegration Test. Vector Autoregressionmodel is employed in this study. Findings- According to the results of Granger Causality test, government bond interest rates strongly affect the changes of exchange rate. However, there is no causality from exhange rates to interest rates. Therefore, the changes of interest rates are the main determinants of the changes of exchange rates in this short period. The results of Impulse-Response Test show that an unexpected shock (an unexpected increase) in government bond interest rates affects the exchange rates and increases it significantly. More, an unexpected increase in the exchange rates causes the interest rates on government bond to increase. The results of the variance decomposition test show that 50% of the change in the variance of the exchange rates in the first period is explained by changes in bond interest while 30% of the change in the variance of bond interest rates is explained by the changes in exchange rates. The results of Johansen cointegration test support that there is a stable long-term relationship between dollar exchange rates and government bond interest rates. Conclusion-This study focuses on the relationship between government bond interest rates and the dollar exchange rates in Turkiye for the last 10 policy interest rates announcements by Cenral Bank of Turkiye. In summary, the changes in interest rates on bonds affect the changes in exchange rates more. Data for the days that the CBRT issued the last ten policy rates is gathered for this purpose. The association between two variables is measured using Vector Autoregression (VAR). According to overall results, the changes in interest rates on bonds affect the changes in exchange rates more.Yayın Turkiye as a regional hub(PressAcademia, 2024-01-15) Dilek, Teker; Teker, Suat; Orman, IrmakPurpose- This study examines Türkiye's strategic importance and potential to serve as a pivotal regional hub for businesses. The study alsoinvestigates the various fields of businesses for being a potential hub. A review of common concerns that needs further developments are analysed. Methodology- The study utilizes an analytical literature survey and investigates the various business fields for becoming a regional hub. Findings- Turkiye is the 7th largest economy by GDP in Europe by IMF among 22 countries for the year 2022. Turkiye is ranked as the 1st in ease of setting and welcoming categories at Expat Explorer Index, and 7th in the world in the year 2019. More, Turkish international airports serve for 342 direct flights for 128 countries with Turkish Airlines and proximity to these markets with a total GDP of 46 trillion USD within 4 hours flight. Conclusion- Turkiye's unique geographical position bridges Europe and Asia providing a natural gateway between the East and the West. Proximity to major markets enhances its appeal as a strategic center for trade and commerce. Ongoing investments in infrastructure, including transportation networks and logistics facilities, are positioning Türkiye as a key hub for the efficient movement of goods and services. Modern ports, airports, and road networks facilitate seamless connectivity within the region. Türkiye's growing economy attracts foreign investments, fostering the development of financial services and encouraging multinational companies to establish reg ional headquarters.Yayın Gender difference in financial behavior: a comparative analysis(PressAcademia, 2024-01-15) Teker, Dilek; Dönmez, SenaPurpose- Definition of financial inclusion; FI enables adults to access and efficaciously use a range of proper financial services. It plays a crucial role in raising economic growth in point of industry, firm and national level. Accessing to the products and services are achievable with financial inclusion. In the world, financial access is not reachable due to socio-economical reasons. Financial inclusion should involve the obstacles facing, reaching out access. This has an effect on decision makings and financial behaviors. However, gender disagregated statistics are not common in literature. All economies may reach economic growth, recognizing gender differences, and enhancing awareness among households. Aim of this study is to figure out the investing / borrowing behaviors of households. This study seeks “is there a gender difference in the level of financial behavior for Turkiye?”. Methodology- We employ a questionnaire to figure out if there exists a gender difference about various metrics in financial behavior. In the research method of this study, comparative analysis was made to reach out gender differences of respondents regarding financial behavior using excell with the help of coding. Google questionnaire prepared by authors was pre-tested and then authors maintaing to send the questionnaire via social media. 102 respondents were reached out. Firstly, it was made demographic analysis of respondents, a nd then it was analysed the financial behavior of respondents. Findings- Findings prove the fact that there is gender difference in behavior of making payments, savings, daily life, auto and home needs, making decisions, QR Code usage, awareness of Fintech products and number of credit cards. Majority of respondents feel confident about private pension system.. However, there is slightly difference in number of private pension contracts. In general, all respondents own a bank account. Money transfer, using a bank application behavior, does not differ among individuals. Conclusion- Based upon the analysis, it may be concluded that financial behavior affects individuals’ choices and this generates differences in terms of usage, needs, decisions and awareness. Socio-economical factor plays a crucial role regarding generating awareness in financial behavior.Yayın Digital banking during the COVID-19 era in Turkiye(Sivas Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi, 2023-31-12) Oğuz, Ahmet Bünyan; Soykut Sarıca, Yeşim PınarThe Covid-19 pandemic which began in early 2020 in Wuhan, China and spread around the world, created a serious impact on personal and business life for all. While individuals tried to protect themselves from the pandemic and continue their lives, businesses also tried to cope with the change in individual consumer behaviour. This study analyses the digital banking usage trends in Türkiye, focusing on the Covid-19 pandemic period, between January 2020 and June 2022, under the precautions imposed by the government such as lock-downs, curfews and public access limitations to businesses, using available quarterly transaction and usage data on virtual credit cards, mail order and phone payments, contactless cards, domestic credit cards, number of credit and bank cards, digital banking, internet banking and mobile banking. Research findings suggest that while internet and digital banking usage increased, significant changes have been observed in contactless card, virtual credit card transactions indicating a shift in user preference in banking during the pandemic period either voluntarily or with the effects of the restrictions and intention to realize their transactions distancing themselves from the crowds. Further research analysing whether this shift is permanent or not is recommended.Yayın Şirketlerin toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliği ilkelerine bağlılık beyanları ile uygulamaların beyanlarla uyumu(Işık Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2023-10-25) Zeybek Arslanboğa, Sinem; Soykut Sarıca, Yeşim PınarBu araştırmada, seçili beş (Borusan, Odeabank, Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik, Garanti BBVA, Tüpraş) ulusal ve küresel ölçekli şirketin Birleşmiş Milletler Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Hedefleri arasında yer alan toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliği ilkeleri doğrultusunda yürüttükleri çalışmalar incelenmiştir. Ele alınan şirketlerin sürdürülebilirlik raporları incelenerek, pazarlama ve marka yönetimi faaliyetlerinin toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliği ilkeleri ile ilişkisi irdelenmiştir. Araştırmada yer alan şirketlerin kurumsal internet sitelerinde yayınladıkları bilgilere ek olarak, sosyal medya ve diğer kanallarda yürütülen çalışmaları incelenmiş ve söz konusu şirketlerdeki mavi ve beyaz yakalı (kadın-erkek) 50 çalışanın katıldığı 16 sorudan oluşan bir anket düzenlenerek anket sonuçları analiz edilmiştir. Anket katılımcıları kartopu örnekleme yöntemi benimsenerek farklı sektörlerde çalışanlardan oluşacak şekilde seçilmiş ve benzer nitelikteki bireylerin yanıtlarına başvurulmuştur. Katılımcıların ankete verdikleri yanıtlar analiz edildiğinde; çalışma hayatındaki bireylerin kadın ve erkeklere yönelik toplumda kabul görmüş geleneksel yargı ve rolleri (kadınların evcimen, erkeklerin ise para kazanmakla sorumlu olması gibi) benimsemediği görülmüştür. Ayrıca, çalıştıkları şirketlerde toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliği konusunda eylem ve yatırımların olduğunu beyan eden katılımcıların, bahsedilen konuların etkisine dair yeterli farkındalığının olmadığı sonucuna varılmıştır.Yayın Comparative analysis of fragile fives with panel var models(Int Journal Contemporary Economics & Administrative Sciences, 2023-01) Demirel, Esin; Akgül, Şevket IşılThis study aims to show the similarities and differences between the fragile five classifications, which include countries that are quite different from each other, and to show whether there is a need for a different classification of fragile five, econometrically. In this context, the data set consists of old fragile five and new fragile five classifications. Seven independent variables that are thought to affect the gross domestic product of the countries have been determined. The data are annual for the period 2001-2018. Panel data analysis and Panel vector autoregression are used as a methodology in this paper, respectively. As a result of the analysis, the effects of the independent variables used in the analysis on the dependent differ in the countries included in fragile fives. Also, a change in one of the countries included in fragile fives will affect other countries. Therefore, it concluded that the variables in the models of fragile fives generally have different coefficients from each other. Based on this, it is understood that the revision of old fragile five does not conform to new fragile five, econometrically. It can be suggested as a policy implication that a different classification of fragile five is necessary.Yayın Financial inclusion for selected OECD countries(PressAcademia, 2023-07-30) Teker, Dilek; Teker, Suat; Güzelsoy, HalitPurpose- Financial inclusion is defined as a process that ensures the ease of access, availability, and usage of the formal financial system for all members of an economy by emphasizing the use of accessibility and availability of financial services. A financial sector is measured and compared on four main features; debt is the size of financial institutions, access is the access and use of financial services by the users, efficiency is the efficiency in the provision of financial services, and stability is the stability in the provision of financial services. Financial inclusion, in short, is adults' access to and use of financial services. This study aims to measure the financial inclusion level for selected OECD countries from 2010-2021. Also, this study aims to estimate the effect of financial inclusion on economic growth and income inequality for selected countries. Methodology- The data used in this study cover a range of variables related to financial inclusion from various institutions, including the IMF-Financial Access Survey (IMF-FAS), the World Bank - World Development Indicators (WB-WDI), the World Bank - Global Financial Development Database (WB-GFDD) and the Standardized World Income Inequality Database (SWIID). These variables provide insights into the dimensions and determinants of financial inclusion and their impact on economic and social outcomes for selected OECD countries. In the study, we run panel data regressions for each group separately, using GDP per capita as the dependent variable to determine the impact of the Financial Inclusion Index on economic growth. We also construct two different models for each group of countries with and without the added control variables into the models. Findings- The analysis reveals that the effect of financial inclusion on economic growth is negative for all groups of countries. The impact is significant for Group 1 and Group 2. The magnitude of coefficients changes when we add control variables to the model. However, it does not change the significance level of the coefficients. The magnitude of the coefficients increases as countries’ per capita income increases. At the same time, the effect of financial inclusion on the GINI index is significant only in the model for Group 3 with control variables. The sign of the impact is negative. It implies that the GINI index decreases as the financial inclusion index increases. So, the effect of financial inclusion on income inequality is positive for countries in Group 3. Conclusion- The empirical results did not support the relationship between financial inclusion and economic growth (GDP per capita). These results may be explained by advocating the financial sector's quick and fundamental digital transformation. Hence, the rules for availability, accessibility, and usage of financial products and system are completely changed in the past ten years. On the other hand, the relationship between financial inclusion and income inequality, measured by GINI Index, is consistent with the literature only for Group 3 countries (developing countries). The increase in the gap between rich-developed and developing countries may explain these results. An increase in financial inclusion still supports adjustments in income inequality in developing countries, but its effect is disappeared in developed countries in the last 12 years.Yayın Satisfaction of higher education students with online learning during Covid-19(PressAcademia, 2023-07-30) Alyadum, Yasser Abdullah Mohsen; Falcıoğlu, PınarPurpose- With the advent of COVID-19 the world has faced a situation that has changed the course of education towards technology-based alternative solutions. High education institutions in Turkey rushed from the first moments to avoid the disruption of education process, and transformed into the online learning system. Current study aims to investigate the satisfaction level of high education students in İstanbul Turkey during COVID-19. Methodology- An online survey has been filled out by more than two hundred students. Findings- The results show that most of the variables related with the usage and usefulness of online system have statistically significant effects on students’ perceptions concerning satisfaction. It can be reported that the transformation during COVID-19 is satisfactory for all levels of higher education students. Conclusion- The study also tries to differentiate between the perceptions of undergraduate and postgraduate students and it has been found that post graduates are more satisfied in overall terms. Moreover, most demographic dimensions also have different influences on the undergraduate and postgraduate students’ perceptions. The results of the study lead to recommendations and suggestions related with future implementation of online education system useful for both educators and implementers.Yayın Investment behaviour and risk perception: an analysis for Turkish market(PressAcademia, 2023-07-30) Teker, Dilek; Teker, Suat; Demirel, EsinPurpose- The cognitive comprehension of financial indicators, risk aversion, risk perception, and investment behavior is defined as financial literacy. It's possible that a variety of characteristics, such as gender, age, income level, social standing, education, etc., will affect an investor's behavior. The purpose of this study is to highlight the behavior of investors in Turkish capital markets. The analysis is done on the results of two surveys, the first conducted in the fourth quarter of 2022 and the second in the first quarter of 2023. Methodology- This study's objective is to highlight investor behavior and risk perception in Turkish financial markets. In the most recent two consecutive quarters, the results of two surveys are analyzed and compared. Three sections comprise the surveys. A demographic question is asked in the first section. The second section asks questions concerning investment behavior, signs of financial stress, and confidence in regard to one's financial literacy. The final aspect contributes to the analysis of what people think of the Bitcoin market. In this study, Graphic analysis, Cronbach Alpha, Normality, and Mann-Whitney U tests are performed, respectively. First, the graphical analysis of the selected questions is made. Based on these graphs, the similarities and differences between the surveys are shown. Second, The reliability test is applied to the selected questions for the statistical modeling of the analysis. This test is determined as the Cronbach Alpha test. Third, the Normality test is applied to reveal which test to use in the next step. Two different tests are used for this analysis. These are the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk tests. Fourth, the Mann-Whitney U test is applied. At this stage, firstly, Mann-Whitney U and Wilcoxon W test statistics are examined. The ranks are calculated for each variable. Finally, the Mann-Whitney U test is applied, and the results are interpreted. Fifth, The results of the two surveys are compared. Findings- The findings show both similarities and differences among numerous variables. For instance, holding time is defined as the amount of time an investor holds an investment or as the time between purchasing it and selling it. Investors' risk aversion and financial literacy both influence the holding period. Riskier assets force investors to adjust their purchase or sell actions dynamically. The results show various portfolio diversification behaviours. While men prefer to start with foreign currency investments, women are more interested in making gold investments. Also, middle-aged investors invest more in cryptocurrencies and take more risks than younger investors. Conclusion- based upon the analysis, findings it may be concluded that respondents do differ in their investment preferences and risk-taking over the years. The findings show various portfolio diversification behaviors. While men prefer to invest in foreign currency, women are more interested in purchasing gold.Yayın Digital era for universities: soon or far(PressAcademia, 2023-07-30) Eşkinat, Ali; Teker, SuatPurpose- Over the Covid-19 crises, most universities keep increasing the use of hybrid model at various levels in all disciplines in their education system forced by the market demand. This paper reviews the evolution of university generations from university 1.0 to university 4.0 using a historical point of view. This paper intends to clarify whether digital era for universities, namely University 5.0, is soon or far advocating that a large number of completely digital universities may breakout and reach everywhere in the world with no barriers of language, time and locations, and competing with local and traditional universities in all sense after year 2030. Methodology- The study employs an online survey via convenience sampling based on quantitative research method. Employers/Managers, Academics and formal University Students were selected as three target population group located all around Turkiye. The aim was to test the 5 hypotheses of this study to clarify the time of digital era for universities. Findings- The analysis reveals that the 5 hypotheses are accepted and seen as valid. The empirical results show a significant difference between the gender variable and the importance given to digital education. Moreover, there was a significant difference in the mean scores of the significance of digitalization and the importance given to digital education based on education level variable. Then, there were differences in the significance of digitalization and the importance given to digital education concerning the social status variable in the collected data. Notably, a linear and significant relationship was revealed between the importance given to digital education by participants and the importance they attributed to digitalization. Furthermore, a linear and significant relationship was found between the importance given to digital education and the importance given to university education. Under these circumstances, the results reveal that digital education is concerned as a fact of digital era and higher education institutions are not immune of this transformation. Conclusion- Based upon the analysis, it can be concluded that the traditional university system will be evolved into a digital university system in a not-too-distant future. In other words, traditional prestigious universities are expected to continue whereas digital universities appear as destructive competitors. For this reason, it may be argued that universities will increase to provide hybrid model education depending on the market demand until 2030, whereby it will be applied at different rates in education disciplines, such as of medicine, engineering, social sciences and many others. After 2030 traditional universities will continue to use blended learning whereas digital higher education institutions will start their inevitable growth.Yayın Gender equality and empowerment for companies: an exploratory case from Turkiye to achieve United Nation’s sustainability goal(PressAcademia, 2023-07-30) Dönmez, Sena; Tuncay Çelikel, AslıPurpose- The business world is currently placing great emphasis on sustainability, investing substantial resources to integrate it into their operations. United Nation’s Sustainability Goal 5 of “Achieving Gender Equality and Empower All Women and Girls” is a critically important subject to discuss both for academics and practioners regarding today’s sustainability related concerns and debates. This exploratory case study aims to understand the current situation of gender equality and women empowerment in business and propose a roadmap with thematic areas for companies via achievement of Goal 5. Methodology- We aim to understand the perspectives of the the professionals in Turkey; first preliminary interviews and then face-to-face interviews were applied in manufacturing and logistics industries in Istanbul. The preliminary interview was held with two managers and afterwards, five experts in the field of sustainability and working on SDG 5 were interviewed. A total of ten open-ended questions were posed to representatives from five companies in the manufacturing and logistics sectors during face-to-face interviews. Findings- The literature review on Sustainable Development Goal 5 (SDG 5) revealed various themes related to gender equality and empowerment, including gender-neutral decision making, ensuring well-being of the individual, creating safe spaces, role of value chain for gender equality, environmental impact, ethical approach, awareness, and empowerment in correlation with empowerment and leadership. Based on the research findings, a roadmap with ten thematic areas was developed, including: 1. Breaking gender streotypes for genderneutral career, 2. Promoting social sustainability through training opportunities, 3. Implementing gender-neutral recruitment practices, 4. Adopting gender-neutral policies in all decision making processes, 5. Establishing an egalitarian environment within the value chain and permissions, 6. Addressing global deficiencies in training to eliminate gender prejudices and promoting access to health and medicines, 7. Maintaining work-life balance, 8. Supporting advancement of employees with trainings, 9. Considering benefits of society on environmental impacts and 10. Raising public awareness by ensuring ethics. Conclusion- Social, economic, and environmental factors play a very distinctive role in the development of SDG 5 target in leadership. Companies in Turkey are encouraged to prioritize gender equality and women empowerment programs, as their policies will contribute to broader efforts within the country. By actively working towards these goals, businesses can foster a more inclusive and sustainable future for all.Yayın Analysing gender equality and empowerment in Turkish companies: an exploratory case to achieve United Nation’s sustainability goal(PressAcademia, 2023-06-30) Dönmez, Sena; Tuncay Çelikel, AslıPurpose- United Nations' Sustainability Goal 5, "Achieving Gender Equality and Empower All Women and Girls," is a critically important topic in today's sustainability agenda. This exploratory case study aims to delve into the current status of gender equality and women's empowerment in Turkish businesses. Furthermore, it seeks to propose a roadmap with thematic areas that can guide companies in fulfilling Goal 5. Methodology- For this qualitative research, the study engaged professionals in Türkiye, specifically in the manufacturing and logistics industries in Istanbul. The research employed both preliminary and face-to-face interviews to gather insights from experts in the field of sustainability and those working on SDG 5. The preliminary phase involved two managers, while the subsequent face-to-face interviews involved five key experts. A total of ten open-ended questions were posed to representatives from five companies, comprising sustainability managers and specialists from the manufacturing and logistics sectors. Findings- Sustainable Development Goal 5 (SDG 5) literature revealed various themes related to gender equality and empowerment, encompassing gender-neutral decision making, a person’s well-being, creating safe spaces, gender equality role in value chain, environmental impact, ethical considerations, awareness, and empowerment linked to leadership. The qualitative research findings were significant to shape a future plan. Based on the research results, ten thematic areas for companies was developed by the authors. Roadmap Thematic Areas for Companies: Breaking gender stereotypes for gender-neutral career, promoting social sustainability through training opportunities, implementing gender-neutral recruitment practices, adopting gender-neutral policies in all decision making processes, establishing an egalitarian environment within the value chain and permissions, addressing global deficiencies in training to eliminate gender prejudices and promoting access to health and medicines, maintaining work-life balance, supporting advancement of employees with trainings, considering benefits of society on environmental impacts and raising public awareness by ensuring ethics. Conclusion- The development of Sustainable Development Goal 5 (SDG 5) relies heavily on social, economic, and environmental factors, particularly concerning leadership. This case study underscores the need for Turkish companies to prioritize gender equality and women's empowerment initiatives, as their efforts will contribute to broader sustainability endeavors within the country. By actively embracing the proposed roadmap's strategies, businesses can pave the way for a more inclusive and sustainable future for all individuals in Türkiye.Yayın Yeni dijital çağ(Işık Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2023-04-10) Aktay, HabibeAlvin Toffler toplumların üç aşamadan geçerek son haline evirildiğini savunmaktadır. İlk dalga tarım toplumlarını, ikinci dalga sanayi devrimini, üçüncü dalga ise bilgi (enformasyon) toplumunu işaret etmektedir (Toffler, 1996). Yeni dijital çağ, Toffler’in 1996 yılında tam anlamıyla öngöremediği endüstri 4.0 ve endüstri 5.0’ı (siber fiziksel sistemler) ifade etmektedir. Endüstri 4.0 ile teknolojik inovasyonlar üssel olarak ivme kazanmış, teknolojinin lokomotifi olan çipler ve mikroişlemciler küçülmüştür. Teknolojinin uygun maliyetlerle cebe sığar hale gelmesi ile akıllı cihaz kullanımı dünya genelinde yaygınlaşmış ve bağlantılılıkta büyük bir artış gözlemlenmiştir. İnternet teknolojilerinin küreselleşmesi ile dünya McLuhan’ın ifade ettiği gibi küresel bir köye dönüşmüştür. Bu teknolojik devrim, birçok toplumsal harekete ön ayak olmuş, bir ülkede yaşanan değişim, dönüşüm ve isyan hareketleri diğer ülkelerde değişimin fitilini ateşlemiştir. Bu çalışmada Eric Schmidt ve Jared Cohen tarafından 2014 yılında kaleme alınmış olan Yeni Dijital Çağ isimli kitap incelenmiştir. Kitap endüstri 4.0 ve 5.0’a atıfta bulunan teknolojik inovasyonları ve bunların devletler, uluslar ve şirketler üzerindeki etkilerini toplumsal, siyasal, ekonomik ve askeri bağlamları ile incelemektedir.Yayın Türk vergi sisteminde dijital dönüşümde önemli bir dönem: 2017-2021(Işık Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2023-04-10) Eyüpgiller, Sait SaygınDijitalleşme 2020’li yıllarda hayatımızın temel kolaylaştırıcılarından birini oluşturmaktadır. Bu makalenin amacı, ülkemizin dijital dönüşüm yolculuğunda öncü bir rol oynayan Türk vergi idaresi (GİB)’nin 2017-2021 döneminde teknolojik sistemleri yaygınlaştırmak ve geliştirmek suretiyle kaydettiği role genel bir bakış sunmaktır. Bu çalışmanın yaklaşımı, GİB ve Vergi Denetleme Kurulu’nun bu dönemde yürürlüğe koyduğu yeni yazılımlar ve araçları tespit ederek ve inceleyerek bu girişimlerin başarılarını ve diğer yandan bu araçlara muhasebe meslek mensuplarının Türkiye’de bu maliyetli ve karmaşık süreç ve uygulamalardaki artışa yönelik bakış açısı ve tepkilerini akademik saha araştırmaları ışığında belirlemek yönünde olmuştur. Ulaşılan bulgular, başarılı dijital dönüşümün vergi idaresinin başarılı ancak parçalı uygulamalarından daha fazlasına, mükellefleri ve meslek mensuplarını dijitalleşmenin maliyetlerine ve mahremiyeti zedeleyici etkilerine karşı ikna edici bütünleşik bir devlet stratejisine ihtiyaç duyduğunu ortaya koymaktadır.Yayın Trading volume and stock market volatility: evidence from emerging stock markets(LLC CPC Business Perspectives, 2009-01-15) Gürsoy, Güner; Yüksel, Aslı; Yüksel, AydınBased on the 'mixture of distribution' hypothesis, this paper investigates the relationship between trading volume and conditional volatility of returns by using 12 emerging stock market indices over the period between January 2000 and August 2006. The results show that when total trading volume is included in the conditional volatility equation as a proxy for information flow, a moderate level of decline in volatility persistence was observed only for two stock markets. In four stock markets the decline in conditional volatility persistence is very small. On the other hand, for the remaining markets, total trading volume is a poor proxy for information flow. The findings are consistent with the findings of prior research, which suggest that volume may be a good proxy for stock-level analysis, but not for market-level analysis. Furthermore, following Wagner and Marsh (2005) and Arago and Nieto (2005) the relationship between unexpected trading volume (surprise trading volume as an alternative proxy for information flow) and conditional volatility is analyzed. The findings illustrate that for most of the markets, the relationship between surprise volume and conditional volatility is statistically significant.Yayın Informal employment in Turkey(İstanbul Üniversitesi, 2011-01-27) Dereli, TokerThis article examines the informal labour market in Turkey. Following an analysis of the major causes of the informal economy and informal (unregistered) employment, it endeavors to investigate the adverse effects of informal employment on workers, employers and the economy in general, together with the measures to combat its expansion as well as public policies which should be implemented to eradicate it. In trying to shed light on the basic reasons for the emergence of informal employment, arguments raised in favor of its existence are also dealt with. While referring to the difficulties encountered in the fight against informal employment, the article aims to emphasize that its adverse consequences outweigh the possible benefits, construed to mean that serious efforts are needed to combat unregistered employment in Turkey.Yayın Endüstri ilişkileri ve çalışma hukuku alanında karşılaştırmalı araştırmalar ve yöntem(İstanbul Üniversitesi, 2010-10-08) Dereli, TokerKarşılaştırmalı endüstri ilişkileri ve çalışma hukuku alanının Bölümlerimizde en azından seçimlik bir ders olarak okutulmasında çeşitli yararlar vardır. Bu dersin içeriğini değişik ulusların is hukuku ve endüstri ilişkileri uygulamaları hakkında ayrıntılı bilgilerden hareketle sistemler arasındaki benzerlik ve farklılıkları tahlil etmek, kendi sistemimizi bu bilgilerin ışığında değerlendirmek ve ulusal sınırları asan trendlere ve global gelişmelere ilişkin sonuçlara ulaşmak olarak tanımlayabiliriz. Konunun önemi küreselleşme ve AB gibi bölgesel entegrasyonlara bağlı olarak daha da artmıştır. Ancak karşılaştırmak yaklaşımlarda ilginç ve önemsenmesi gereken tartışma noktaları vardır. Karşılaştırmalı araştırmalar sayesinde kendi ulusal sistemimizin zayıf ve güçlü yönlerini daha iyi değerlendirebiliriz. Belli ülke uygulamaları kendi sistemimizde yapacağımız yasal düzenlemelerde bize yararlı ipuçları sağlayabilir. Bu karşılaştırmalar sonucunda belirli modellere ait hipotezleri test etmek ve bazı genellemelere ulaşmak suretiyle endüstri ilişkileri alanında “teori” geliştirmemiz mümkün olabilir. Modeller ve teori gelecekteki olası gelişmeler hakkında önemli ipuçları sağlayabilir. Araştırma bulguları ulusal ve çok uluslu işletmeler, uluslararası sendikalar ve yasa koruyucular için yararlanabilecekleri bir kaynak oluşturabilir. Ancak sadece kural ve kurumların mukayesesi etkinlik ve yararlılık açısından sorunlar doğurabilir. Daha doğru olan bu kurumların işlevlerini mukayese etmektir. Ortak bir plana dayanılan ülke çalışmaları (yatay yöntem) yapmak belki gereklidir, ancak yeterli değildir. Daha yararlı olan yatay yaklaşımın veri ve bilgilerden hareketle belirli boyutların, örneğin (istihdam güvencesi, yönetime katılma, uyuşmazlık çözüm yöntemleri, vb. gibi boyutların) derinlemesine incelenmesine yönelik (dikey yöntem) karşılaştırmalar yapmaktır. Uluslararası Çalışma Örgütü (ILO) ve Avrupa Birliği standart geliştirirken bu ikinci yöntemi kullanmaktadır. Karşılaştırmalı yaklaşımdan yasama faaliyetinde yararlanma amacı izlenirken dikkat edilmesi gerekli önemli nokta yabancı düzenleme ya da uygulamanın ulusal kültüre “transfer edilebilirliği” sorunudur. Yabancı bir yasa ya da kuralın benimsenmesinde başarı, her şeyden önce bunun kabul eden ülkenin ulusal kültür ve koşullarıyla asgari bir uyuma sahip olmasına bağlıdır.Yayın Prof. Dr. Cumhur Ferman Hoca'mızın anısına(İstanbul Üniversitesi, 2010-10-08) Dereli, TokerProfesör Cumhur Ferman Hocamızı İstanbul Üniversitesi İktisat Fakültesi’nde göreve başladığı 1974 yılında tanıdım. Daha önceleri Ankara Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi’ndeki başarılı öğretim üyeliği ve dekanlık dönemlerine ilişkin olarak ismini ve ününü kuşkusuz işitmiş, örneğin Boğaziçi Üniversitesi’nde çalıştığım yıllarda eski asistanı Prof. Dr. Nuri Uman’dan onun hakkında birçok şey dinlemiştim. Cumhur Ferman Hocaya yakınlığım İktisat Fakültesi’nde İşletme Bölümünün başkanlığını üstlendiği 1974-1983 döneminde olduğu kadar İ.Ü. Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi’nde öğretim üyeliği yaptığı 1983-1993 arası yıllarda da artarak devam etti. Cumhur Hoca 1985-1993 yılları arasında üç dönem İ.Ü.Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi’nin dekanlığını yaptı. Ayrıca benim İ.Ü. İktisat Fakültesi’nden 2003 yılında emekli olmamdan sonra da, kısmen kader ve tesadüf eseri olarak, ama daha çok onun girişimi ve daveti sonucu, kendisinin o dönemde mütevelli heyeti başkanı olduğu Işık Üniversitesi’nde Cumhur Ferman Hoca ile bir süre daha aynı çatı altında çalışmak olanağına kavuştum. Bunun gibi, İstanbul Üniversitesi’ndeki görev yıllarımın bir bölümünde Rektör’üm olan Sayın Prof. Dr. Bülent Berkarda ile Işık Üniversitesi’nde de bir süre beraber olmak bana mutluluk vermiştir.Yayın Zorunlu denetim firması ve denetçi rotasyonu üzerine bir değerlendirme: literatür incelemesi(PressAcademia, 2023-02-01) Polat, Levent; Eyüpgiller, Sait SaygınAmaç- Bu çalışmanın amacı, zorunlu denetim firması ve denetçi rotasyonunun denetim kalitesi ve denetçi bağımsızlığı üzerindeki etkilerini literatür araştırmasına dayanarak incelemektir. Yöntem- Bu çalışma dış denetim firmalarındaki denetçi rotasyonları üzerine bir literatür taraması yapmaktadır. Bulgular- Literatür incelemesi sonucunda, birinci aşamada, zorunlu denetim firması ve denetçi rotasyonunun denetim kalitesi ve denetçi bağımsızlığına yansıyan olumlu yanları tespit edilmiştir. Bunlar arasında, bir müşterinin aynı denetim firması ve denetçi tarafından uzunca süre denetlenmesinin yakınlığı artırabileceği, buna bağlı olarak mesleki şüpheciliğin azalabileceği ve zorunlu rotasyon ile yetersiz denetim prosedürleri önüne geçileceği gözlemlenmiştir. Ayrıca, denetçilerin bağımsızlığına dair finansal bilgi kullanıcıları algısını olumlu yönde etkilediği, rotasyonun, yeni bir bakış açısı getirerek, sürekli tekrara dayalı işlerin neden olduğu olayları doğru değerlendirmeme riski ile hata riskini azalttığı, denetim sektöründe olumlu yönde bir rekabet oluşturacağı ve böylece dört büyükler dışındaki denetim firmaları için bir alan yaratabilceği de vurgulanmıştır. Diğer taraftan, rotasyonun olumsuz yanları da literatürde göze çarpmaktadır. Rotasyon sonrasında yeni denetçinin tecrübesizliği nedeniyle, işletmenin organizasyon yapısının, işleyişinin ve maruz kaldığı risklerinin anlaşılmasının uzun zaman alabileceği ve bunun maliyetleri artırabileceği vurgulanırken; uzun süre içerisinde oluşmuş denetim bilgilerinin rotasyon sonrası yok olması durumunda denetimin etkinliğinin ve verimliliğinin azalabileceği de dikkat çekici bir diğer tespittir. Bunların dışında, planlanan rotasyon tarihi yaklaştığında, özellikle son yılda gerekli özen gösterilemeyebileceği böylece zorunlu rotasyonun denetim kalitesini olumsuz yönde etkileyebileceği,müşteri işletme için denetim dışı hizmetleri sunacak denetim firmasının azlığı, yeni denetçilerin daha önce yapılmış denetim çalışmalarına yüksek güven duymaları ve böylece çalışmalarında yeterli düzeyde titiz davranamama olasılığı da diğer bulgular arasındadır. Sonuç- Literatürde yer alan araştırmalar, zorunlu rotasyonun bağımsızlık ve kaliteye etkileri bakımından olumlu ve olumsuz sonuçlar yanında bir etkisinin olmadığı yönünde farklı sonuçlar ortaya koymaktadırlar. Dolayısıyla, zorunlu rotasyonun gerek uygulanacak rotasyon süresi açısından gerekse bağımsızlık ve kaliteye etkisi olup olmadığı yönünde literatürde ortak bir bulguya varılamadığı anlaşılmaktadır. Bu konuda yapılacak saha araştırmaları özellikle nitel araştırmalar yoluyla, nicel ampirik çalışmaların ortaya koyduğu sonuçların, uluslararası denetim ağları (Big Four, diğer uluslararası firmalar) ve ulusal düzeyde faaliyette bulunan denetim kuruluşlarının rotasyondan etkilenme düzeyi ve nedenleri bakımından karşılaştırılması, geçiş süresi sonrası önceki denetim firmasına dönüş oranının ve nedenlerinin deneyimli bağımsız denetim sektörü temsilcileriyle yapılacak derinlemesine görüşmeler yardımıyla açıklanmaya çalışılması/serimlenmesi önemli olacaktır. Böylece, halihazırdaki mevzuatın denetimde bağımsızlık ve denetim hizmeti kalitesi bakımından ideal (arzu edilen) mevzuat düzenlemesi olup olmadığı, yapılabilecek düzenlemelerle denetim kuruluşları, denetlenen kuruluşlar ve sermaye piyasası güveni konusunda gelişme sağlanıp sağlanamayacağı hususunda karar verilebilmesine yardımcı olacaktır.