JAEM 2014, Vol 4, No 1
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Güncel Gönderiler
Yayın Some results on a subclass of harmonic mappings of order alpha(Işık University Press, 2014) Varol, Dürdane; Aydoğan, Seher Melike; Owa, ShigeyoshiLet S-H be the class of harmonic mappings defined by S-H - {f - h(z) + <(g(z))over bar> vertical bar h(z) - z + Sigma(infinity)(n=2)a(n)z(n) , g(z) - b(1)z + Sigma(infinity)(n=2) b(n)z(n), b(1) < 1} where h(z) and g(z) are analytic. Additionally f(z) is an element of S-H(alpha) double left right arrow vertical bar zh'(z) - <(zg'(z))over bar>/h(z) + <(g(z))over bar> - 1-(b(1)) over bar /1+(b(1)) over bar vertical bar < vertical bar 1 - <(b(1))over bar>/1 + (b(1)) over bar vertical bar - alpha, z is an element of u, 0 <= alpha < 1 - <(b(1))over bar>/1 + (b(1)) over bar In the present work, by considering the analyticity of the functions defined by R. M. Robinson [7], we discuss the applications to the harmonic mappings.Yayın Harmonic mappings related to starlike function of complex order ?(Işık University Press, 2014) Aydoğan, Seher MelikeLet SH be the class of harmonic mappings defined by SH = { f = h(z) + g(z) | h(z) = z + ?? n=2 anz?, g(z) = ?? n=1 bnz?} The purpose of this talk is to present some results about harmonic mappings which was introduced by R. M. Robinson [8].