Gerçeklik, temsil ve yabancılaşma bağlamında Covid-19 pandemisinin televizyon dizilerindeki görünümü
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Pandemi dönemi tüm dünyada yaşamı çeşitli biçimlerde değiştirmiş ve bu değişim kendisini her alanda göstermiştir. Kitle iletişim araçları ise bu değişime doğrudan maruz kalan alanlardan biri olmuştur. Özellikle televizyonun güncel içerik üretimi, gündelik yaşamı risk altına alan Covid-19 sorunuyla bir araya gelince belirsizliklere ve aksamalara neden olmuştur. Bu nedenle dizi çekimleri durdurulmuş ve bir süre yayına dizilerin önceki bölümleriyle devam edilmiştir. Ancak yaşam neredeyse tamamen ev içine taşınınca, diziler de güncel konularıyla kaldığı yerden devam etmiş hatta bunlara yenileri eklenmiştir. Salgının getirdiği yeni kurallar ve bu kurallarla yaşamanın hayati önemi defalarca vurgulanırken, bu vurgunun dizilerde yer alıp almadığı ise bir soru işareti oluşturmaktadır. Bu çalışmada dizilerin salgın etkisini ekrana ne kadar taşıdığı, buna yönelik içerik değişimine gidilip gidilmediği ve ekran karşısında daha çok vakit geçiren seyirciye böyle bir dönemde ne tür bir dünya sunulduğu sorularına cevap aranmaktadır. Bu amaçla, dizi gerçekliği ile gündelik yaşam gerçekliğinin salgın dönemindeki yansımaları, Stuart Hall’un medya temsili ve Jean Baudrillard’ın gerçeklik kuramları çerçevesinde Gönül Dağı, Sadakatsiz ve Eşkiya Dünyaya Hükümdar Olmaz dizileri ile incelenecektir. İncelenecek diziler 2021 yılı Şubat, Mart ve Nisan ayı izlenme oranlarına göre belirlenmiştir. Pandemi süreci her ne kadar yaşamda güçlü bir değişim yaratsa da bu değişimin dizi içeriklerinde yeteri kadar yer bulmadığı ve hatta seyircilerin bu gerçeklikten bütünüyle koparıldığı görülmektedir.
The pandemic period has changed life all over the world in various ways and this change has manifested itself in every field. Mass media has been one of the areas directly exposed to this change. Especially when the current content production of television came together with the Covid-19 problem, which puts daily life at risk, it caused uncertainties and disruptions. For this reason, the shooting of the series was stopped and the broadcast continued with the previous episodes of the series for a while. However, when life was almost completely moved into the home, the TV series continued from where they left off with their current topics, and even new ones were added to them. While the new rules brought by the epidemic and the vital importance of living with these rules have been emphasized many times, whether this emphasis is included in the TV series is a question mark. In this study, it is sought to answer the questions of how much the series carry the epidemic effect to the screen, whether the content has been changed for this and what kind of world is presented to the audience who spend more time in front of the screen. For this purpose, the reality of the TV series and the reflections of the reality of daily life in the epidemic period will be examined with the series Gönül Dağı, Sadakatsiz and Eşkiya Dünyaya Hükümdar Olmaz within the framework of the media representation of Stuart Hall and the reality theories of Jean Baudrillard. The TV series to be analyzed have been determined according to their viewing rates for the February, March, and April in 2021. Although the pandemic process has created a powerful change in life, it is seen that this change does not find enough place in the contents of the TV series and even completely detaches the audience from this reality.
The pandemic period has changed life all over the world in various ways and this change has manifested itself in every field. Mass media has been one of the areas directly exposed to this change. Especially when the current content production of television came together with the Covid-19 problem, which puts daily life at risk, it caused uncertainties and disruptions. For this reason, the shooting of the series was stopped and the broadcast continued with the previous episodes of the series for a while. However, when life was almost completely moved into the home, the TV series continued from where they left off with their current topics, and even new ones were added to them. While the new rules brought by the epidemic and the vital importance of living with these rules have been emphasized many times, whether this emphasis is included in the TV series is a question mark. In this study, it is sought to answer the questions of how much the series carry the epidemic effect to the screen, whether the content has been changed for this and what kind of world is presented to the audience who spend more time in front of the screen. For this purpose, the reality of the TV series and the reflections of the reality of daily life in the epidemic period will be examined with the series Gönül Dağı, Sadakatsiz and Eşkiya Dünyaya Hükümdar Olmaz within the framework of the media representation of Stuart Hall and the reality theories of Jean Baudrillard. The TV series to be analyzed have been determined according to their viewing rates for the February, March, and April in 2021. Although the pandemic process has created a powerful change in life, it is seen that this change does not find enough place in the contents of the TV series and even completely detaches the audience from this reality.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Pandemi, Dizi, Gerçeklik, Temsil, Yabancılaşma, Pandemic, Tv Series, Reality, Representation, Alienation
New Era International Journal Of Interdisciplinary Social Researches
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Şeylan, S. (2021). Gerçeklik, temsil ve yabancılaşma bağlamında Covid-19 pandemisinin televizyon dizilerindeki görünümü. New Era International Journal Of Interdisciplinary Social Researches, 6(9), 134-144.