Bir sıkıntı mekânı olarak “eve” ilişkin fenomenolojik bir yaklaşım
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Işık Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
Yapılan bu tezde, ev kavramına farklı bir boyuttan bakarak deneyimsel olarak evin ne anlama geldiği üzerinde durulmuştur. Bunu yaparken de evi sıkıntı ile ilişkilendirip nasıl sıkıntı mekânına dönüştüğü anlaşılmaya çalışılmıştır. Yöntem olarak seçilen fenomenoloji ile birlikte evin bu deneyimsel boyutu incelenmiştir. Modernitenin getirdiği evsizlik, eve sıkışmışlık hissi ile postmodernizmin yapısı içinde oluşan göç, nostalji, ev özlemi gibi yersizyurtsuzlaşmaya dair kavramlar tartışmaya açılarak bireyler üzerinde nasıl bir etki yaptığı irdelenmiştir. Alman filozof Martin Heidegger düşüncesindeki ikamet etme, yerleşme durumlarına bağlı olarak oluşan evsizlik hissi sıkıntı ile bağdaştırılarak sunulmuştur. Toplumsal cinisyet rolleri ile oluşan kamusal alan ile özel alan ayrımı incelenmiş kadının ev içine kapatılması ve ev içi emeğin görülmezliği üzerinde durulmuştur. Bununla birlikte tüm bu kavramların sanat alanında nasıl kendine yer bulduğuna bakılmış, konu örnekler ile somutlaştırılarak anlatılmıştır.
In this study, the emphasis is put on what ‘home’ means experientially by examining the term ‘home’ from a different perspective. While doing this, the home is associated with boredom to understand how it has turned out to be a space of boredom. The experiential aspect of home is being examined with the chosen method of phenomenology. The sense of being stuck at home and homelessness that came with modernity alongside the concepts related to deterritorialization such as migration, nostalgia and homesickness that have been formed within the structure of postmodernism are opened for discussion and their effects on individuals are studied. The feeling of homelessness which is formed in relation to the residence and settlement issues in the thoughts of German philosopher Martin Heidegger is presented in association with boredom. The distinction between public space and private space, which is formed by gender roles, is examined while the invisibility of domestic labor and the confinement of women inside the home are emphasized. In the meantime, how all these concepts have found their places in the field of art has been studied and explained with concrete examples.
In this study, the emphasis is put on what ‘home’ means experientially by examining the term ‘home’ from a different perspective. While doing this, the home is associated with boredom to understand how it has turned out to be a space of boredom. The experiential aspect of home is being examined with the chosen method of phenomenology. The sense of being stuck at home and homelessness that came with modernity alongside the concepts related to deterritorialization such as migration, nostalgia and homesickness that have been formed within the structure of postmodernism are opened for discussion and their effects on individuals are studied. The feeling of homelessness which is formed in relation to the residence and settlement issues in the thoughts of German philosopher Martin Heidegger is presented in association with boredom. The distinction between public space and private space, which is formed by gender roles, is examined while the invisibility of domestic labor and the confinement of women inside the home are emphasized. In the meantime, how all these concepts have found their places in the field of art has been studied and explained with concrete examples.
Text in Turkish ; Abstract: Turkish and English
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 158-167)
xii, 168 leaves
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 158-167)
xii, 168 leaves
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ev, Evsizlik, Fenomenoloji, Göç, Sanat, Sıkıntı, Art, Distress, Home, Homelessness, Migration, Phenomenology
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Sungurlar, I. (2021). Bir sıkıntı mekânı olarak “eve” ilişkin fenomenolojik bir yaklaşım. İstanbul: Işık Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.