Evli kadınlarda evlilik yaşı ve evlenme biçiminin evlilik doyumu ve depresyon düzeyine olan etkisi
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Işık Üniversitesi
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Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
Amaç: Bu çalışmada evli kadınların evlenme yaşı ve evlenme biçiminin depresyon ile evlilik doyumu üzerindeki ilişkisinin ve depresyonun evlilik doyumu üzerindeki aracı rolünün incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem: İstanbul ilinde yaşayan, evliliklerini 18 yaş altında ya da 18 yaş ve üzerinde yapmış olan 250 evli kadına anket uygulanmıştır. Katılımcılar, seçkisiz olmayan örnekleme yöntemi ile seçilmiştir. Katılımcılara, demografik bilgilerini öğrenmek amacıyla “Sosyodemografik Bilgi Formu”, evlilik doyum düzeylerini ölçmek amacıyla “Evlilik Yaşam Ölçeği”, depresyon düzeylerini ölçmek amacıyla ise “Beck Depresyon Envanteri” uygulanmıştır. Bulgular: Araştırmadan elde edilen bulgulara göre evli kadınlarda evlilik doyumu düzeyi evlenme yaşından pozitif yönde etkilenmektedir. Evlenme yaşı ile depresyon düzeyi arasında ilişkiye rastlanmamıştır. Evlenme biçimi ile evlilik doyumu ve depresyon düzeyi arasında ilişki olduğu saptanmıştır. Evlilik doyumu düzeyi ve depresyon düzeyi arasında negatif bir ilişki olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç: Evlenme yaşının evlilik doyum düzeyi üzerinde etkili olduğu, evlenme yaşı arttıkça evlilik doyum düzeyinin arttığı tespit edilmiştir. Evlenme biçiminin ise hem depresyon hem de evlilik doyum düzeyi üzerinde etkili olduğu saptanmıştır. Ayrıca evlilik doyumu düzeyi ve depresyon düzeyi arasında da anlamlı bir ilişki olduğu ve depresyon düzeyi arttıkça evlilik doyum düzeyinin düştüğü sonucuna varılmıştır. Ancak yapılan analizler sonucunda, evlenme yaşı ve evlenme biçimi ile evlilik doyumu arasında depresyonun aracı rolü olmadığı tespit edilmiştir.
Objective: The aim of this study was to consider the relationship of marriage age and marriage type of married woman on depression and marital satisfaction, and the mediating role of depression on marital satisfaction. Method: A survey was applied to 250 married women living in the province of İstanbul who were under the age of 18 or over the age of 18. Participants were selected by random sampling method. “Sociodemographic Information Form” was used to learn demographic information, “Marital Life Scale” was used to measure marital satisfaction levels, and “Beck Depression Inventory” was used to measure depression levels. Results: According to the findings of this study, the level of marital satisfaction in married women is affected positively by the marriage age. There was no relationship between the marriage age and the depression level. The relationship between marriage type and marital satisfaction and depression level were found. A negative correlation was found between the level of marital satisfaction and the depression level. Conclusion: It has been determined that the marriage age has an effect on the level of marriage satisfaction and that the level of marriage satisfaction increases as the marriage age increases. It was found that marriage was effective on both depression and marital satisfaction. A significant relationship was found between the level of marriage satisfaction and depression level. It was concluded that the level of marriage satisfaction decreases as the depression level increases. However, as a result of the analyzes, it was found that the depression did not have a mediating role between the marriage age and marriage type and marital satisfaction.
Objective: The aim of this study was to consider the relationship of marriage age and marriage type of married woman on depression and marital satisfaction, and the mediating role of depression on marital satisfaction. Method: A survey was applied to 250 married women living in the province of İstanbul who were under the age of 18 or over the age of 18. Participants were selected by random sampling method. “Sociodemographic Information Form” was used to learn demographic information, “Marital Life Scale” was used to measure marital satisfaction levels, and “Beck Depression Inventory” was used to measure depression levels. Results: According to the findings of this study, the level of marital satisfaction in married women is affected positively by the marriage age. There was no relationship between the marriage age and the depression level. The relationship between marriage type and marital satisfaction and depression level were found. A negative correlation was found between the level of marital satisfaction and the depression level. Conclusion: It has been determined that the marriage age has an effect on the level of marriage satisfaction and that the level of marriage satisfaction increases as the marriage age increases. It was found that marriage was effective on both depression and marital satisfaction. A significant relationship was found between the level of marriage satisfaction and depression level. It was concluded that the level of marriage satisfaction decreases as the depression level increases. However, as a result of the analyzes, it was found that the depression did not have a mediating role between the marriage age and marriage type and marital satisfaction.
Text in Turkish ; Abstract: Turkish and English
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 38-49)
viii, 57 leaves
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 38-49)
viii, 57 leaves
Anahtar Kelimeler
Anlaşarak evlenme, Depresyon, Evlilik doyumu, Evlilik yaşı, Görücü usulü evlenme, Arranged marriage, Depression, Love marrige, Marrige age, Marital satisfaction
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Kanburoğlu, B. (2019). Evli kadınlarda evlilik yaşı ve evlenme biçiminin evlilik doyumu ve depresyon düzeyine olan etkisi. İstanbul: Işık Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.