Estetik ve güzel kavramlarının kadın bedeni ve giyim kuşam kültürü üzerinden incelenmesi
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Işık Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
Estetik ve güzellik kavramları farklı disiplinlerce araştırılıp, tanımlanmaya çalışılmış, tarihin farklı dönemleri arasında çeşitlilik gösteren, değişken kavramlardır. Bu çalışmada neyin güzel ve neyin estetik olup olmadığını sorgulamak ve bu alanda yeni bir kaynak oluşturmak amaçlanmıştır. Estetik ve güzel Felsefe, arkeoloji, sanat tarihi, antropoloji ve sosyoloji gibi farklı disiplinlerin kesişim kümesinde bulunması sebebiyle, oldukça geniş ve karmaşık içerikli kavramlardır. Batı medeniyetlerinde estetik kavramını incelerken, simetri, orantı, tam uyum gibi faktörler geçerlidir. Genel anlamıyla estetik, ahenktir, uyumdur. Bir bütünü meydana getiren unsurlar birbiri ile uyumlu ise, o şey güzeldir. Bu bağlamda değerlendirdiğimizde estetik kavramı insanda bir his, duygu yaratması ile anlamlanır. Yaratılan hissin gücü estetik hazzın seviyesini belirler. Bu hissi yaratan bir resim ya da heykel olabileceği gibi belli bir renk ve biçim uyumunu bünyesinde barındıran bir giysi ya da kumaş tasarımı da olabilmektedir. Bu çalışmada estetik güzelliğin Batı medeniyetlerinde yarattığı etki, tarihin farklı dönemlerinde kadın bedeninin ve giyim kuşam kültürünün estetik ve güzel kavramlarından nasıl etkilendiği incelenmiştir.
The concepts of aesthetics and beauty are variable concepts that have been researched and tried to be defined by different disciplines and that vary between different periods of history. What is needed in the study to question whether the groups are beautiful and aesthetic and to create a new resource in this field. The suggestion that these complex and quite broad concepts should be located at the intersection of different disciplines such as philosophy, archeology, art history, anthropology and sociology has been handled by feeding off these channels. While examining the concept of aesthetics in Western civilizations, elements such as symmetry, proportion, full harmony, and limitation are valid. According to some thoughts, aesthetics is harmony. If the elements that make up the whole are compatible with each other, that thing is beautiful. When we evaluate it in this context, the concept of aesthetics is meaningful by creating a feeling and emotion in people. The strength of the feeling created determines the level of aesthetic pleasure. It can be a painting or sculpture created by it, or it can be a garment or fabric design that incorporates a certain color and form harmony. The effect of this general aesthetic beauty in Western civilizations, how it was affected by the aesthetic and beautiful concepts of the women’s form at the different beginnings of history and clothing culture is examined.
The concepts of aesthetics and beauty are variable concepts that have been researched and tried to be defined by different disciplines and that vary between different periods of history. What is needed in the study to question whether the groups are beautiful and aesthetic and to create a new resource in this field. The suggestion that these complex and quite broad concepts should be located at the intersection of different disciplines such as philosophy, archeology, art history, anthropology and sociology has been handled by feeding off these channels. While examining the concept of aesthetics in Western civilizations, elements such as symmetry, proportion, full harmony, and limitation are valid. According to some thoughts, aesthetics is harmony. If the elements that make up the whole are compatible with each other, that thing is beautiful. When we evaluate it in this context, the concept of aesthetics is meaningful by creating a feeling and emotion in people. The strength of the feeling created determines the level of aesthetic pleasure. It can be a painting or sculpture created by it, or it can be a garment or fabric design that incorporates a certain color and form harmony. The effect of this general aesthetic beauty in Western civilizations, how it was affected by the aesthetic and beautiful concepts of the women’s form at the different beginnings of history and clothing culture is examined.
Text in Turkish ; Abstract: Turkish and English
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 139-148)
x, 150 leaves
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 139-148)
x, 150 leaves
Anahtar Kelimeler
Estetik, Güzel, Kadın, Moda, Giyim, Aesthetics, Beauty, Women, Fashion, Clothing
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Şenaslan, D. (2023). Estetik ve güzel kavramlarının kadın bedeni ve giyim kuşam kültürü üzerinden incelenmesi. İstanbul: Işık Üniversitesi Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü.