Anadolu kültüründe simge anlam ve sağaltım boyutlarıyla "dövme"
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Işık Üniversitesi
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Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
İnsan bedeni sanat yapıtlarında çeşitli temalar üzerinden yıllardır anlatılagelen temel unsurlardan biridir. Beden önceleri sanatçının elinde doğadaki başka varlıkların formlarına dönüşmüş, ardından gelişen teknoloji ve biyolojik gelişmeler bedenin sanatsal yaratımdaki edimlerini de etkilemiştir. İnsan bedeninin farklı görünümleri ve dönüşümü tarih boyunca sanat çalışmalarının konusu olurken, insanın bir bakıma ilk tuvali de olmuş aynı zamanda. Beden, insanın tepkisini verdiği ilk alandır. Beden, insan için kendisi olmanın farkında olduğu ilk yerdir. Her insan için bedeni onun aynasıdır, ne olduğunu, kim olduğunu gösteren yüzüdür. Bedendeki izler, içsel sıkıntıların uzantılarıdır ve bu sayede sıkıntılarını denetlemeyi umar insan. Bedene kazınan semboller, izler, duyulan acı, konuşmak mümkün olmadığında deriye yansımış çığlıklardır, sözcüklerle dile getirilemeyendir, iletişim kurmanın, kurmak istemenin bir başka biçimidir. Bireylerin bedenlerinde oluşturdukları izler, bireyin kendi olma çabası için, içinde yaşadığı topluma bir çağrıdır. Simgesel bir eylemdir. İlkel dönemlerde birey, bedenini dileklerini gerçekleştirme arzusunun bir nesnesi olarak kullanmış birtakım büyüsel ritüelleri bedeni aracılığıyla gerçekleştirmiştir. İnsanlık tarihi, sözden imgeye yolculukta hep içinde yaşadığı doğadan esinlenmiş, kavrayışının ötesinde bulunan şeylerden korkmuş, tanımlayamadığını cisimlendirmiş, simgeler üretmiştir. Yani görünmeyeni anlayabilmek için görünür temsiller yaratmıştır. Korku, çaresizlik, geleceği bilme arzusu, kötücül güçlerden korunma gibi nedenlerini bilemediği olaylarla baş edebilmek için oluşturduğu soyut kavramlara anlamlar yüklemiştir. İnsan bedeninin farklı malzemeler kullanılarak, çeşitli uygulamalarla süslenmesi tarihin çok eski dönemlerinden beri süregelmiştir. Günümüzde Doğu Anadolu ve Güneydoğu Anadolu da görülen dövme geleneğinin izlerini, tarihin derinliklerinden itibaren görmek mümkündür. Yaşamlarının şifrelen dövme motiflerinde gizlidir. Daha çok kadınlarda görülen dövme, kadınlar için zarifliğin, soyluluğun, güzelliğin sembolü iken, erkekler için güç ve iktidar belirtisidir. Gelenek, bölgenin tarihî ve dini inançları ile yakından ilgilidir. Bölgede yapılan dövme motiflerinin ve anlamlarının benzerliği, motiflerin bölgenin ortak kültür yapısının bir ürünü olduğunu düşündürür bize. Ayrıca dövme ile birlikte kına yakma, sürme çekme, ölüm ve doğum törenleri, birtakım büyüsel ritüeller, tütsüler, altın diş yaptırma gibi diğer geleneksel eylemlerin iç içe geçmesi, ortak kültür mirasının en büyük kanıtlarıdır. Anadolu coğrafyasında birbirinden ayrı din, etnik grup, aşiret ve mezhep farklılıkları olan topluluklar arasında dövme sembolleri, görünüm ve yapılış açısından benzerlik gösterse de bazı değişiklikler göze çarpmaktadır. Bölgede dikkat çeken topluluklar çoğunluk olarak Ezidiler, Süryaniler, Araplar, Keldaniler, Kürtler ve bir takım aşiretler, tarikatlardır. Her kültür inancını, sosyal yapısını yansıtan, geçmişiyle bağ kuran somut bir kültürel mirasa sahiptir. Yapılan araştırmalar gösteriyor ki Güney Doğu'da yapılan geleneksel dövme belli bir yaş aralığında olan kadınlarda ve erkeklerde gözlemlenmiş, genç nesillerin eski dövme motiflerine rağbet etmedikleri tespit edilmiştir. Kentier’e göç sürecinde de toplum baskısından kaçınma duygusu geleneksel dövmeye duyulan ilgiyi azaltmış, etnik bir grubu, topluluğu simgeleyen, örneğin;“haç”gibi, dini bir sembol haline gelmiş bedeni şaretleri yok olmuştur. Tarih boyunca birbiriyle kaynaşmış, karışmış değişik kültürlerin eski dönemlerden günümüze aktarılmış sembolleri olan geleneksel dövme motifleri, Güneydoğu Anadolu insanının zengin kültür miraslarından biridir. Göründüğünden çok daha derin anlamlar, gizemler, şifreler barındırır. Ne yazık ki bu kültürün son temsilcileri de birer birer yok olmaktadır.
Human body is one of the main factors of those have been explained through various themes for many years. At first, human body was returned to forms of other creations of nature, then the gain of body on the artistic creation was affected by developments of technology and biology. While the different appearances and transformations of human body has been the main subject of art works, it also was the first toile of people. The body is the first area where people reacted on, also; it is the first point where people realized to be themselves. For everyone, their own body is the mirror of them selves,its hows who are they. The marks on the body are the extensions of the internal distresses and thus, people expects to control of their own distresses. The symbols and marks those were engravedon body and the pain which was felt are the screams that could not found in voice when the speaking is not possible. It is the other way to communicate or want to communicate. The marks those were formed on people’s bodies are the invitations to society which they become a part of, for an effort to be themselves. This is a figurativeact. In primary periods, people have used their bodies as an object for their wishes to become true. Also, they have used their bodies to perform certain magical rituals. Humanity is always inspired by nature, afraid of things those beyond of their understanding, embodied the things those could not defined and created symbols on the way of word to image. In other words, the things those could not be seen have become to visible representations. People have ascribed a meaning to abstract concepts to get through with things’ reasons could not be known like fear, desperation,desire to know futureand protect from malicious powers. Decorating the human body by using different materials and various ways has been continuing from earlier periods of history. Nowadays it is possible to see marks of tattooing tradition in eastern and southeastern Anatolia from the depth of history. The passwords of people’s life are hidden in the tattoo motifs. The tattoo that mostly seen on women, is a symbol of elegance, nobility and beauty for woman while it is a symbol of potency and power for men. Tradition is closely associated with history and religious belief of district. The similarity of motifs and their meanings those had made in same area makes us think to motifs are the outputs of that area’s common cultural pattern. In addition, there are other proofs different than tattooing to common cultural heritage which are hennaing, tinging with kohl, birth and death ceremonies, couple of magical rituals, incenses, having tooth out of goldan detc. In Anatolian geography, although tattoo symbols seem identical in different religions, ethnic groups, tribes and denominations, there are differences. The most important groups in this area are Yezidis, Assyrians, Arabs, Keldanis, Kurds and other tribes. Every culture has its own cultural heritage which are related to their own believes, social structures and past. Recent studies show that, young generations in Southeast area do not desire the traditional tattoo models. On the other hand, these models can be seen on their elder’s body. The migration to large cities decreased the social influence when compared to country side. This caused people to lose interest intraditional tattooing or symbols which symbolize a religious group like“cross”. Traditional tattoo models which are symbols of the mixed different cultures of history are a heritage of Southeast Anatolian people’s rich culture. They contain deeper meanings, my steries and secrets than they seem. Unfortunately, the last representers of this culture are fading away one by one.
Human body is one of the main factors of those have been explained through various themes for many years. At first, human body was returned to forms of other creations of nature, then the gain of body on the artistic creation was affected by developments of technology and biology. While the different appearances and transformations of human body has been the main subject of art works, it also was the first toile of people. The body is the first area where people reacted on, also; it is the first point where people realized to be themselves. For everyone, their own body is the mirror of them selves,its hows who are they. The marks on the body are the extensions of the internal distresses and thus, people expects to control of their own distresses. The symbols and marks those were engravedon body and the pain which was felt are the screams that could not found in voice when the speaking is not possible. It is the other way to communicate or want to communicate. The marks those were formed on people’s bodies are the invitations to society which they become a part of, for an effort to be themselves. This is a figurativeact. In primary periods, people have used their bodies as an object for their wishes to become true. Also, they have used their bodies to perform certain magical rituals. Humanity is always inspired by nature, afraid of things those beyond of their understanding, embodied the things those could not defined and created symbols on the way of word to image. In other words, the things those could not be seen have become to visible representations. People have ascribed a meaning to abstract concepts to get through with things’ reasons could not be known like fear, desperation,desire to know futureand protect from malicious powers. Decorating the human body by using different materials and various ways has been continuing from earlier periods of history. Nowadays it is possible to see marks of tattooing tradition in eastern and southeastern Anatolia from the depth of history. The passwords of people’s life are hidden in the tattoo motifs. The tattoo that mostly seen on women, is a symbol of elegance, nobility and beauty for woman while it is a symbol of potency and power for men. Tradition is closely associated with history and religious belief of district. The similarity of motifs and their meanings those had made in same area makes us think to motifs are the outputs of that area’s common cultural pattern. In addition, there are other proofs different than tattooing to common cultural heritage which are hennaing, tinging with kohl, birth and death ceremonies, couple of magical rituals, incenses, having tooth out of goldan detc. In Anatolian geography, although tattoo symbols seem identical in different religions, ethnic groups, tribes and denominations, there are differences. The most important groups in this area are Yezidis, Assyrians, Arabs, Keldanis, Kurds and other tribes. Every culture has its own cultural heritage which are related to their own believes, social structures and past. Recent studies show that, young generations in Southeast area do not desire the traditional tattoo models. On the other hand, these models can be seen on their elder’s body. The migration to large cities decreased the social influence when compared to country side. This caused people to lose interest intraditional tattooing or symbols which symbolize a religious group like“cross”. Traditional tattoo models which are symbols of the mixed different cultures of history are a heritage of Southeast Anatolian people’s rich culture. They contain deeper meanings, my steries and secrets than they seem. Unfortunately, the last representers of this culture are fading away one by one.
Text in Turkish ; Abstract: Turkish and English
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 103-105)
x, 105 leaves
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 103-105)
x, 105 leaves
Anahtar Kelimeler
Beden, Büyü, Damga, Dövme, Sembol, Body, Magic, Stamp, Symbol, Tattoo
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Seval, Ş. (2017). Anadolu kültüründe simge, anlam ve sağaltım boyutlarıyla “dövme”. İstanbul: Işık Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.