Muhasebe mesleğinde haksız rekabet sorunu ve çözüm yolları
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Işık Üniversitesi
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Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
Meslek mensupları, iş dünyasının bekçileri ve denetçileri olarak önemli bir rol üstlenmektedirler. Muhasebeciler işletmelerin mali durumlarını açık ve kabul görmüş muhasebe standartlarına göre hazırlanarak raporlanmasını sağlamaktan sorumludurlar. Bu durum onları etik kavramlar dikkate alındığında, kimi zaman yasal olarak şüpheli hale getirebiliyor olsa da, diğer bir yandan muhasebe ilkelerine karşı gösterilen keskin bir anlayış aynı zamanda meslek mensuplarının rekabet güçlerini korumalarına da yardımcı olacaktır. Muhasebe mesleğinin geleceği ve gelişimi açısından en önemli faktörlerden biri mesleki etik değerlere bağlılıktır. Etik değerlere aykırı davranışın başında gelen haksız rekabet ise mesleğin özünü zedeleyen başlıca faaliyetlerdendir. Bu çalışmanın amacı; haksız rekabetin meslekte ne ölçüde önemli bir sorun olduğu belirtilerek, bugüne dek yapılan yasal düzenlemeler ve uygulamaların ne ölçüde etkili olduğu, bu düzenleme ve uygulamaların daha da geliştirilmesinde sorunun çözümünde ne derece etkin olabileceği, meslek örgütlerine, ilgili kamu kuruluşlarına (devlete) ve en önemlisi de her muhasebe meslek mensubuna haksız rekabetin çözümüne ilişkin yapılması gereken düzenlemelerde düşen görev ve sorumlulukların neler olabileceğinin değerlendirilmesidir. Yapılan bu çalışmanın analizinde, haksız rekabetin ve bunun parçası olan eylemlerin net bir yasal tanımının bulunmamasının uygulamada önemli sorunlara neden olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Bu nedenle, muhasebe meslek mensuplarının haksız rekabetten korunmasını iyileştirmek, kriterlerinin kapsamlı bir listesini içeren haksız rekabet tanımını formüle etmek gerekmektedir. Muhasebe meslek mensuplarının iş hayatında yer alan haksız rekabet kavramını incelenmekte olup, bu yasal olguyu oluşturan ayırt edici özellikleri tanımlamakta ve araştırılmakta, muhasebe meslek mensupları alanında haksız rekabet için mevzuatta belirlenen sorumluluk türleri analiz edilmektedir. Ekonomik rekabet, bir takım önemli olan düzenleyici işlevi yerine getirir ve pazarın gelişmesini sağlar ve bu nedenle özel bir devlet desteğine sahiptir. Haksız rekabet ise, dürüst ve etik olmayan, haksız iş yapma biçimlerine dayanan yasaklanmış eylemdir. Bu kapsamda, muhasebe mesleğinde haksız rekabetin oluşumunda ki temel nedenler ele alınmış olup, mevcut uygulamaların ne derece haksız rekabeti önleyici olduğu, hangi noktalarda eksik kaldığı ve bu eksikliğin giderilmesine yönelik nelerin çözüm önerisi olabileceğine katkı sağlayacak bilgilere ulaşılmıştır.
Professionals play an important role as observers and auditors of the business world. Accountants are responsible for ensuring that the financial positions of businesses are prepared and reported in accordance with clear and accepted accounting standards. Although this situation sometimes raises legal doubts when considering ethical concepts, on the other hand, a good understanding of accounting principles will also help professionals maintain their competitiveness. One of the most important factors for the future and development of the accounting profession is adherence to professional ethical values. Unfair competition, which is one of the most unethical behaviors, is one of the main activities that harm the essence of the profession. The purpose of this study; Stating to what extent unfair competition is an important problem in the profession, to what extent the legal regulations and practices made so far are effective, to what extent these regulations and practices can be developed further and effective in solving the problem, professional organizations, relevant public institutions (state) and most importantly, unfair competition It is aimed to evaluate what the duties and responsibilities of each professional accountant may be in the regulations that need to be made regarding the solution of competition. The analysis of this study reveals that the lack of a clear legal definition of unfair competition and the actions that are part of it causes significant problems in practice. Therefore, in order to improve the protection of professional accountants from unfair competition, it is necessary to formulate a definition of unfair competition that includes a comprehensive list of its criteria. The concept of unfair competition in the business life of professional accountants is examined and this It defines and investigates the distinctive features that constitute the legal phenomenon, and analyzes the types of liability established in the legislation for unfair competition in the field of accounting professionals. Economic competition performs a number of important regulatory functions and ensures market development and therefore enjoys special state support. Unfair competition is a prohibited action based on dishonest, unethical and unfair ways of doing business. In this context, the main reasons for the formation of unfair competition in the accounting profession have been discussed, and information has been obtained that will contribute to the extent to which current practices prevent unfair competition, at what points they are deficient, and what solutions can be suggested to eliminate this deficiency.
Professionals play an important role as observers and auditors of the business world. Accountants are responsible for ensuring that the financial positions of businesses are prepared and reported in accordance with clear and accepted accounting standards. Although this situation sometimes raises legal doubts when considering ethical concepts, on the other hand, a good understanding of accounting principles will also help professionals maintain their competitiveness. One of the most important factors for the future and development of the accounting profession is adherence to professional ethical values. Unfair competition, which is one of the most unethical behaviors, is one of the main activities that harm the essence of the profession. The purpose of this study; Stating to what extent unfair competition is an important problem in the profession, to what extent the legal regulations and practices made so far are effective, to what extent these regulations and practices can be developed further and effective in solving the problem, professional organizations, relevant public institutions (state) and most importantly, unfair competition It is aimed to evaluate what the duties and responsibilities of each professional accountant may be in the regulations that need to be made regarding the solution of competition. The analysis of this study reveals that the lack of a clear legal definition of unfair competition and the actions that are part of it causes significant problems in practice. Therefore, in order to improve the protection of professional accountants from unfair competition, it is necessary to formulate a definition of unfair competition that includes a comprehensive list of its criteria. The concept of unfair competition in the business life of professional accountants is examined and this It defines and investigates the distinctive features that constitute the legal phenomenon, and analyzes the types of liability established in the legislation for unfair competition in the field of accounting professionals. Economic competition performs a number of important regulatory functions and ensures market development and therefore enjoys special state support. Unfair competition is a prohibited action based on dishonest, unethical and unfair ways of doing business. In this context, the main reasons for the formation of unfair competition in the accounting profession have been discussed, and information has been obtained that will contribute to the extent to which current practices prevent unfair competition, at what points they are deficient, and what solutions can be suggested to eliminate this deficiency.
Text in Turkish ; Abstract: Turkish and English
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 78-99)
xi, 100 leaves
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 78-99)
xi, 100 leaves
Anahtar Kelimeler
Muhasebe, Meslek, Haksız rekabet, Accounting, Profession, Unfair competition
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Karacan, Y. (2023). Muhasebe mesleğinde haksız rekabet sorunu ve çözüm yolları. İstanbul: Işık Üniversitesi Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü.