İttihatçı tek-parti rejimi kurulurken hizipler, seçimler, boykot
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1908 Anayasa Devrimi’nin en önemli siyasi aktörü olan İttihat ve Terakki Cemiyeti (İTC), İkinci Meşrutiyet Döneminin ilk yıllarında mevcut hükümetler üzerinde hâkimiyet kurma çabası içinde olmuş, Ocak 1913’te gerçekleşen Bâbıâli baskınından sonra ise hükümetin kontrolünü doğrudan ele alarak bir tek-parti iktidarının kuruluş sürecini başlatmıştır. Bu yazı, İTC’nin 1908 – 1913 dönemindeki denetleme iktidarından 1913–1918 dönemindeki doğrudan tek-parti yönetimine geçiş sürecini ele almaktadır. Yazının amacı, İttihatçı tek-parti rejiminin kuruluş dinamiklerini incelemek, İTC içindeki iç mücadelelere odaklanarak bu rejimin hangi koşullar altında ve nasıl ortaya çıktığını tartışmaktır. Bunun için İttihatçı hareket içinde belirleyici bir dinamik olarak görülen asker – sivil ayrımı eleştirel bir çerçevede değerlendirilecek, söz konusu ayrımın İTC içindeki güç ilişkilerinin analizi için yeterince açıklayıcı bir çerçeve sunmadığı ileri sürülecektir. Yazının odaklandığı temel mesele 1912 yılının ikinci yarısında ortaya çıkan bir siyasal strateji tartışmasıdır. İTC’nin muhalefete itildiği ve İttihatçıların hâkim olduğu Osmanlı Mebusan Meclisi’nin feshedildiği kritik bir dönemde gündeme gelen söz konusu tartışmanın odağında, yeni bir meclisin oluşumu için düzenlenmesi öngörülen seçimler karşısında alınması gereken siyasal tutum yer almıştır. Genel olarak ihtilalci bir yönelimi temsil eden boykot önerisi, İttihatçı kadrolar arasında asker – sivil hizipleşmesiyle açıklanamayacak bir kutuplaşmaya neden olmuş ve İTC’nin 1912 Kongresi bu gerilimin gölgesinde toplanmıştır. Yazının başlıca iddiası, İttihatçı tek-parti iktidarının 1912 Kongresinde ortaya çıkan bölünmenin tarafları arasındaki bir güçler dengesine dayandığı ve aslında bu dengeyi kurumsallaştırdığıdır. İttihatçı hareket içinde 1912 yılının ikinci yarısında ortaya çıkan bölünme, Mahmut Şevket Paşa suikastı sonrasında ordu, hükûmet, yasama organları, esnaf cemiyetleri ve kooperatifleri de içeren, İTC’nin ve özellikle onun en yüksek karar mercii olan Meclis-i Umumî’nin merkezinde olduğu bir siyasal mekanizmanın oluşumunda belirleyici bir rol oynamıştır. Tek-parti iktidarının yaslanacağı kurumsal zemin İTC’nin 1913 Kongresi’nde ortaya çıkmıştır. Büyük ölçüde 1913 Kongresi’nde oluşturulan kurumsal altyapı adeta 1912 Kongresi’nde görünür hale gelen ilişki ağlarını yansıtmaktadır. Osmanlı İmparatorluğu, İTC, devlet ve hükümet arasındaki sınırların giderek belirsizleştiği bu siyasal bağlamda Cihan Harbi’ne dâhil olmuş ve İttihatçı tek-parti rejimi savaşın sonuna dek iktidarda kalmıştır.
The Committee of Union and Progress (CUP) was the most important political actor of the Constitutional Revolution of 1908. This organization attempted to dominate the existing governments during the initial years of the Second Constitutional Period. After the coup of January 1913, however, the CUP seized direct control of power and engaged in the establishment of a single-party government. This essay deals with the transition from the CUP’s indirect rule in the period of 1908 – 1913 to the single- party regime in the period of 1913 – 1918. It focuses on the CUP’s internal struggles to discuss under what conditions and how this single-party regime emerged. To this end, the paper critically evaluates the military – civilian distinction that is seen as an important dynamic in the Unionist movement. It is argued that this distinction does not provide an adequate analytical framework for the analysis of power relations in the CUP. The main issue on which the article focuses is a debate about a political strategy, which emerged in the second half of 1912, when the CUP was pushed into opposition and the Ottoman Parliament dominated by the Unionist deputies was dissolved. In this context the Unionists discussed their position about the elections to be held for the new parliament. Representing a revolutionary tendency, the proposal of boycotting the elections caused a polarization among the Unionist cadres, which cannot be explained based on a schism between the military and civilian factions. The CUP Congress of 1912 convened in the shadow of this polarization. The main argument of the article is that the Unionist single-party regime relied on, in fact institutionalized, a balance of power between the two sides that represented the opposite views in the Congress of 1912. The split that appeared in the Unionist movement in the second half of 1912 played a decisive role in the formation of a political mechanism after the assassination of Mahmut Şevket Paşa. At the center of this mechanism was the CUP and its highest decision-making body, the General Council. The single-party rule rested on the institutional infrastructure created in the CUP Congress of 1913. It involved the army, the government, legislative bodies, guild associations, cooperatives as well. This infrastructure almost reflected the networks of relations that became visible in the Congress of 1912. The Ottoman Empire entered the Great War in this political context where the lines separating the CUP, the state, and the government were getting blurred. The Unionist single-party regime stayed in power till the end of the war.
The Committee of Union and Progress (CUP) was the most important political actor of the Constitutional Revolution of 1908. This organization attempted to dominate the existing governments during the initial years of the Second Constitutional Period. After the coup of January 1913, however, the CUP seized direct control of power and engaged in the establishment of a single-party government. This essay deals with the transition from the CUP’s indirect rule in the period of 1908 – 1913 to the single- party regime in the period of 1913 – 1918. It focuses on the CUP’s internal struggles to discuss under what conditions and how this single-party regime emerged. To this end, the paper critically evaluates the military – civilian distinction that is seen as an important dynamic in the Unionist movement. It is argued that this distinction does not provide an adequate analytical framework for the analysis of power relations in the CUP. The main issue on which the article focuses is a debate about a political strategy, which emerged in the second half of 1912, when the CUP was pushed into opposition and the Ottoman Parliament dominated by the Unionist deputies was dissolved. In this context the Unionists discussed their position about the elections to be held for the new parliament. Representing a revolutionary tendency, the proposal of boycotting the elections caused a polarization among the Unionist cadres, which cannot be explained based on a schism between the military and civilian factions. The CUP Congress of 1912 convened in the shadow of this polarization. The main argument of the article is that the Unionist single-party regime relied on, in fact institutionalized, a balance of power between the two sides that represented the opposite views in the Congress of 1912. The split that appeared in the Unionist movement in the second half of 1912 played a decisive role in the formation of a political mechanism after the assassination of Mahmut Şevket Paşa. At the center of this mechanism was the CUP and its highest decision-making body, the General Council. The single-party rule rested on the institutional infrastructure created in the CUP Congress of 1913. It involved the army, the government, legislative bodies, guild associations, cooperatives as well. This infrastructure almost reflected the networks of relations that became visible in the Congress of 1912. The Ottoman Empire entered the Great War in this political context where the lines separating the CUP, the state, and the government were getting blurred. The Unionist single-party regime stayed in power till the end of the war.
Anahtar Kelimeler
İttihat ve Terakki, İkinci Meşrutiyet, Osmanlı Mebusan Meclisi, Seçimler, Tek-Parti İktidarı, Union and Progress, Second Constitutional Period, Ottoman Parliament, Elections, Single-Party Rule
Mülkiye Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Ülker, E. (2021). İttihatçı tek-parti rejimi kurulurken hizipler, seçimler, boykot. Mülkiye Dergisi, 45(4), 940-962.